Chapter Four Ava

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Emily sat Leo down on a couch, then hurried to a back room to get a potion.

Shelves streched up and down many of the walls (where there weren't windows), plants grew in more places and pots than I thought was possible. In the back of the shop (where we were) there was a cozy seating area with a door to the back room, and to the right of the seating area was a counter for checking out. Colorful bottles with liquids that could heal or hurt glinted in the sunlight. A variety of charms, wands and other magical items perched on the shelves waiting to be purchased.

Loud footsteps trudged down the stairs, and a girl that looked a little younger than I with darker brown hair than Leo, but from the same sparkling green eyes I guessed they were siblings.

"Hey Leo! Wait, who's this?" Leo's sister paused mid step in front of the counter once she noticed Leo gripping the chair he was sitting in.

"That's Ava. I got a concussion from falling because of the wind. Mom is getting me a potion in the back room." His voice was shaky, and his body swayed like he might fall over. He gestured with his weak arm to the door that was behind me that led to the back room, where I was told held all of their special potions.

"Hi, that's my mother." I pointed to my mother who meticulously chose a seat that was the furthest away from Leo. I never understood why my mother was so uptight, especially around other people. I guess opposites attract, because my dad was different from her in almost every way. "You must be his sister."

"Yeah, my name is Elena. So what brings you to our store?"

"Ava saw me on the ground after I got knocked down and came to help me."

"Plus, I need to get some charms for my spell class, and my mother heard this was the best place to get them from."

"You indeed came to the right place. We have the best wands, potions, and charms in all of Foran. And I invent things if you are interested."

"Invent things? Like what."

"All sorts of things. Someday I want to become the best inventor in all of Allador. I can show you some designs if you want."

"Oh no, that will be okay, we won't be here for long." My mother answered for me.

"How about one design?" Pleaded Elena.

"Ava has to pack, she's leaving tomorrow. Unfortunately she leaves her packing at the last minute." I sighed at the fact she was able to say no, but still made it sound like it wasn't her fault.

"When will Mom get here?" Leo asked after I finished speaking.

"Right about now!" Emily came out of the back room, holding a vial of green liquid. "Drink this right now. The longer you wait, the longer it will take for the potion to work." She advised, handing Leo the potion.

"Which potion is this?" He studied the green vial as if he might throw up. I couldn't blame him, some potions were plain nasty.

"It's the head potion. It's for headaches, migraines, and especially concussions. However bad the potion might taste, a concussion with permanent damage is worse. You better drink it up now if you want to heal." Emily sat down next to Leo. Leo gave the potion one more disgusted look, then plugged his nose, and he drank it in one gulp.

"Bleagh, this is even worse than the fever healing potion."

"But like this potion, it was very important for you." His mom told him. "Now make sure you don't go after any more silver fabric; you don't want to end up like this again. I'm going to get your father downstairs, it's his turn to watch over the shop. Thank you Elena for watching the shop while I was gone." She got up, and before she went upstairs she put the empty vial in a little bin on the counter. Most likely for cleaning it and then using it later.

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