Chapter Seven Luna

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Him. That was the guy who was with that stuck up aërai Vita earlier. If he found solace in her company then there was no way I was going to let him win.

"Moon. You are up first." I snapped my head upwards to face Mrs Cook. "Luna, who was the first female Fae?"

"Aada," I answered immediately.

"Correct. Water, what is the seventh stationary planet?"

The water guy blinked in surprise, the question was easy. "Scoria." That was one of the few planets I haven't traveled to. Living with Aria and her mom made it unlikely we'd travel to a planet like the lava planet. Even though Aria and I weren't sisters, I lived with her at her house on the planet of air, Udura. They preferred cities such as Kota, Thermia, Acquace, Landarea, Brionia, or Cahaya. I would go wherever they went, I was already living rent free.

At least it wasn't like I wasn't taking up their space. A gleaming palace and miles of gardens and countryside wouldn't miss a room being taken up.

It wasn't like I didn't have any parents, it's just that... no, Luna, you shouldn't dwell on the past, I told myself. That gets you nowhere. Focus on the future.

I knew that Asher had traveled there before frequently because he'd lived with their dad and only visited their mom.

"Correct. Moon, what is the name of the main crystals that glow."

"Illuminate crystals." If these questions continued to be as simple as they are now, I was set to win. Unfortunately they could be facile for him as well, then we'd have to resort to the toe breaker question.

"Correct. Water, what is the Fae of home?"

He looked back at the others in confusion. This was my opportunity to make sure there wasn't a tie between us.


"He doesn't know it!" A guy from the moon side yelled.

"Moon? Do you know the answer to the question?"

"Kael, the Fae of homeland and defense."

"The score is now three to one, moon in the lead. Next question is for moon." Mrs Cook announced.

"What is the head of a court in Allador?"

Panic flooded my mind. I knew nothing about Alladorian governments. I could either guess and risk getting it wrong or admit defeat.

My head continued in a state of a confused whirlwind. I did hear something familiar from Aria's mother, what was it though?"

"Justicer?" I guessed.

"Incorrect, water?" I froze, there was no way I let myself get that wrong in front of everyone.

"Justiciar," he answered confidently.

"That's correct, now the score is three to two, moon is still in the lead. Next question, who is the councilor of mind?"

"Amery Holt."

"Correct, now the score is tied again, three to three."

We were both answering our questions correctly until we were faced with the tie breaker question.

"This question works differently," Mrs Cook said. "I will be asking one question for the both of you, and whoever gets it first and correct, wins."

"Go Luna!" Someone called before they were cut off with a glare from Mrs Cook.

"Here is the question. Vanda Milano, Angelo De Luca, Isidora Vlasova, Nigel Cannon, and Sofronio Rascon, what event were these people involved in?"

I glanced at the water dude, his face was absolutely blank. I smiled, "the destruction of New Ethis."

Mrs Cook paused, "correct."

Cheers erupted in the group of moon elementalist whilst unsurprised disappointment speckled across the water elementalists.

"Let's go Blake!" Macy smiled, "you almost won!"

Too bad I was the only moon elementalist in my grade; there was no one coming to congratulate me. They expected me to win, only wavering when I got that question wrong. I hated that. Games were supposed to have suspense.

"You will be able to collect your badges with your sashes at lunch." Mrs Cook announced.

I stiffly walked down from the podium and searched for Aria or Asher. One of them must be done with their contest.

The crowd of moon and water elementalists were slowly dispersing, mixing with the other groups for students.

"Luna!" I jumped.

I turned around to see Aria giggling. "Since when were you skittish?"

"Since people started creeping up behind me," I shuttered.

"Who won?"

"Moon, we had to go into the tiebreaker round though."

"I'm guessing you were the one you were up on the podium?" I nodded.

"I knew it! Of course you won, you're the smartest in our grade. Maybe in the whole school." She said playfully.

I shook my head adamantly. "No way."

"Well for my comp, thankfully light didn't win, but air and mind were tied."

"That's great, who was your champion?"

"Some level five. Hey, I think I see Asher. Asher!" She yelled, waving her twin over.

A strong breeze whipped my black hair in front of my face. "Gah!" I quickly pulled my hair out of my face and out of my mouth.

Aria smirked. "Why don't you just put your hair back or actually style it?"

Easy for Aria to say. Her silky light brown hair was currently also down, but she had woven to tiny braids in the front. Each was glittering with little gems that glinted and shined every time she moved her head.

This moring she'd opted for a simple and short light blue gown with a sweetheart neckline. She'd drilled it into my mind that it was called 'sweetheart neckline' and not 'the one that kinda looks like a heart'. Due to the competitions that ran during Fifteen Fest I decided one an outfit that was practical- leggings with spots for my two silver daggers, and a purple shirt.

Aria had always looked stunning, I blame that on her mom, who was an elf). The only thing close to that I would wear is my black choker with a purple stone in it with the symbol of moon elementalism etched in it. Most people in Allador didn't really dress up all fancy unless they were high nobility, but Aria wasn't most people. The one thing that drew people's attention the most was her eyes, which were a mix of silver and light sky blue. Aria is a halfpoint- half elf, half human. That means her eyes are the same color as her magic - air, and her ears are slightly pointed.

"No thanks. It's fine just the way it is."

"Asher! Get over here!" She called once more. He finally saw us and waved.

Aria grabbed my arm, "c'mon he's not going to hear us, let's go."

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