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Everyone in the room is talking amongst themselves, catching up on old time or just liking to talk about the idea of seeing the future. Then the screeching of the intercom is heard again. "We will now begin to watch the next scene so if everyone could take a seat."Wade says over the intercom as everyone does so.

The scene opens to show Florence and Odessa talking as Odessa tries to do her dress which is an all black dress with a slit down her thigh with a long dark blue dress coat that has simple blue lighting cracks decorating the bottom and the sleeves. Her platinum blonde hair is gelled back strongly as it ends in a tightly wrapped ponytail something she finds horrible and knows will cause her hair alot of damage, not that the capitol can't fix it plus the hairstyle is one of the hottest styles in the capitol at the moment. "With me wearing this I don't want to know what Daniel's wearing.''Florence says as she looks at her outfit, finding it stupid at the highest point. "Cheer up, it could be worse. Remember the dress you wore at your hunger games interview."Odessa says, making the girl cringe as she remembers.

The outfit she was wearing was a light blue dress with tons of lighter blue lighting strikes twirling around the dress to match the male tribute who wore a suit jacket with the same design, it was horrible. "Yeah...this is way better.''Florence says as she steps down as Odessa finishes. "Yes it is.''Odessa says as she gestures for Florence to do a quick twirl. "Good to go now when you walk out you and Daniel will meet down at the ground floor at your chariots that are in the front.''Odessa says before kissing the girls cheek and sending on her way, making sure no lipstick got onto the girls cheek.

Florence walks down to the chariots going straight to hers, smiling at those she passes kindly before arriving at her chariot where Daniel already awaits. She looks over his outfit, which is a lot better than hers in her opinion. He wears his dirty blonde hair brushed to the right light gel at the ends to keep it in the position. His outfit consists of a dark blue button up decorated with white wisps in a pattern and a pair of all black pants covered by a suit jacket that has shoulder pads with fringes and rope on the left arm pointing into an arrow at the end of the sleeve light markings, the same as the one on his shirt near the mid section of the jacket.

"You look nice, better than me certainly."Florence says as she looks down at her outfit. "You look fine like...a lighting strike."Daniel says jokingly to the girl as he shoots finger guns at her. "Ha ha very funny you George Washington looking man. I'm gonna go look for Finnick or Johanna."Florence says, making Daniel nod. "Be careful."He says as he sees the girl walk away towards the district 4 horses.

As she makes it to the district 4 horses she sees Mags sitting in the chariot making her smile as she climbs in to sit beside her. "Hey Mags.''She says smiling to the woman who smiles at her. "Florence, lovely to see you.''She says looking at the girl, her speech strained. "We saw each other a month or two ago but it feels longer doesn't it?"Florence asks the woman who nods. "Hey Mags ...stay close to me and Finnick please."Florence asks, holding the woman's hands. Mags just claps her hand on top of the young girl. "Oh Florence...I love you and Finnick's kindness but..if it comes down to it, I know I'll die. And I would rather it that way rather than you or Finnick. I've lived life, you two haven't yet.''Mags says as she cups the woman's jaw as a tear starts to fall. "Ok Mags...I'ma go find Finnick now.''Florence says as Mags nods at her with one last smile before she exits the chariot going to look for Finnick.

Many in the room look at the two tributes mentioned with sympathy at what the woman said.

"Finnick!"The girl screams out as she sees him getting a sugar cube from one of the platters. The man turns around confused until he sees the girl making him smile. "Florence!"He says with equal enthusiasm as they hug. "Sugar cube?"He asks the girl who shakes her head. "I'm pretty sure something is in that only for horses to eat, plus sugar is a no."Florence says looking at the boy who shrugs. "If it is then I won't be too surprised."Finnick says before eating a sugar cube and grabbing another.

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