The Find

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*Everything has been crazy! I'm so sorry. :(*

We decided to explore together instead of separate. My idea sadly. Ugh.

Firstly the loft. We slowly climbed the old worn down wooden steps the ladder had up to the loft. Me shaking all the way, afraid that it might break. It was full of old smelly hay, I believe.

"Klare!" Tam yelled. I went over, she was at the door hatch. "Help me open it." We tried pulling on it and tried again.

"Wait. What if." I said to myself, and pushed the door open, well not without a lot of grunting. When I got it open halfway the wind took it and flung it the rest leaving me dangling. I screamed. I was hanging from the hatch.

"Oh my God!! Klare grab my hand!" Tam screamed. "I'm trying to! Lower!" I finally grabbed her and and she and I dragged my body up and over the hatch. We collapsed onto the hay covered floor.

We were huffing from fright and the adrenaline in our systems.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered. I could start to feel the prick of tears behind my eyes form. "That was terrifying." Tam said as she rolled over and wrapped me in her arms. "Lets not do that again." She laughed. I nodded. I cannot believe that had happened! To bizarre.

I looked up and in the corner next the window/door was a notebook. I got up and walked to it. "Hey, look at this babe." Tam got up and took it from my hands, and shuffled through it. "A journal? A dudes journal it looks like." She aid as she read the first page.

"Should I?" I asked timidly, I didn't know what would happen if I held it in my hands for a while.

"What do you think, you're the one with the powers. I don't want it to hurt you." She said with slight fear in her eyes. Seeing something is like experiencing it, sometimes when I touch something it has hurt me before. When I found a razor in my used to be friends bathroom I felt every slice that went through her arms, stomach, and thighs. I felt the blood running on my arms, felt the cold steel.

I took the book anyways and sat down, and concentrated.

The walls were dark and bleak, and stank of mold and mildew. They obviously spruced the place up before we had moved in. I saw a young man sitting in the corner of the room. He had short hair, about to his ears, dark hair, pale too. He didn't look muscular, but maybe he was. I walked up to him and saw beautiful blue eyes, the kind of eyes that make a woman's insides melt, crying. Why would this handsome man be crying? I squatted in front on him, I wanted to touch him. When you have visions you're not allowed to touch them, my grandmother told me not to. "Why do you cry?" He suddenly looked up and gasped at me. Wait. Can he see me? Oh no. "Wha-What are you?" He spoke softly, with those damn tears still in his beautiful storm blue eyes. "I can't. I'm sorry" I spoke in the same softness. He reached up and almost touched my face before I went back to my time.

I jumped back throwing the journal forward and away from me. "Klare, what happened?" Tam asked as I was stilled star struck as I tried to figure what the heck happened. She helped me to my feet and onto a stray hay bail.

"He saw me. Like saw me speak, heard me, almost touched me!" I was in hysterics, how could this be?

"What do you mean he saw you?" She asked confused. She didn't get it.

"I don't know. That's never happened to me before." I gripped my hair at roots and rubbed, it calmed me a bit.

"So, was he hot?" Tam asked awkwardly. I nodded my head and slowly looked at her like 'really after what I told you, you want to know if he's hot?' She shrugged. I chuckled. "You are unbelievable Tamura. I don't know what happened, that has never happened before. Not with anything. Tamura this is serious, what would happen if he touched me? What if I stayed in that state forever?" I huffed.

"Sweety, it'll be ok. And he's not going to touch you. I promise. Well don't try to touch him. If you can resist. Haha." She laughed. I smacked her arm. "Hey, you confirmed he was hot. So," She drawled on. "What did he look like?"

"Ok, he has black hair, um, strong looking, blue eyes. He was also crying for some reason." She suddenly smacked my arm. "What the hell, Tam!"

"Why didn't you stay there!? You could have done something to help." She sparked. I sighed.

"No Tamura, He was about to touch me. Grandmother said to never touch people in your visions, she said things could happen, bad things could happen." She sighed, and sounded defeated.

"Come on Klare, let's take this journal and go back to your house. You keep it and has as many visions as you can. Tell me everything by the way. And I have to go soon too. Damn." She said as she drug me up from the bail and helped me down the stairs and outside.

"I should go babe. Love you!" Tam said as she walked away to car. I sighed and went inside my house to go lie down for a bit without the damn journal, resisting the visions were giving me a headache.

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