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~Picture of KlairedelysArts' The Blind Seer~

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and dialed Tam as I walked outside towards the barn. It was still daylight out.

"WHAT?!?" Tam screamed into the phone. "He touched you and you got your first kiss! OMG! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" She screamed yet again.

"Ok, ok. Tam calm down. So, I was back in the barn with him and I told him that I was a seer and that I'm five years into the past. Well after he told me it was 2010. He didn't believe that I was real so I told him to look me up on Facebook and then believed me. He almost touched my face when we were at the computer desk and I backed away." I sighed, but continued.

"He got fustrated and asked why he couldn't touch me. I told us seers had rules, and that my grandmother told to never touch or be touched in a vision, cause bad things can happen. He backed me into the wall and kissed me and then he french kissed me and made me feel things I have never felt before Tam. And I'm pretty sure that I felt something when he pulled me flush to him. It was amazing though." I took a big breathe and finished the rest.

"Then he went down and kissed and did stuff to my neck and when I woke from the vision, I had two hickey marks." I rushed out.

"OMG! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! WHAT'S HIS FULL NAME I'M GOING TO FIND HIM AND HURT HIM FOR VIOLATING MY BABY!!" Tam screamed into the phone. I just chuckeled quietly. "You are mine babe, he hasn't even known you that long, what the hell." I could tell she was quite mad yet happy that I had finally had my first, steamy, kiss.

"Tamura, I know I'm like a little sister to you but please don't worry. I'm fine, I just have to cover up the marks with a bit of concealer. He was really sweet though, so that's good right?" I heard her sigh and mumble something under her breath. "Huh? I didn't hear that? What?"

"I said I guess. You know maybe we should find him like in the present."

"No, it will mess up everything. He knows me then, and if he tries to find me now he can and I won't go back. I'll also ask him if he wants me to stay in my time." Ezra consumed my thoughts, I wanted to go back but I knew I couldn't not just yet.

"Are you going to go see him after we get off the phone?" She asked with excitment. I sighed.

"No, I will tomorrow though. I'm going to go through my grandmothers things though and see if I can find anything that will help me. If she wrote anything down or something of the sorts. I might just do that now. I need some anwsers. Love you girl."

"Love you too. Don't be late when I pick you up, ok."

We said our goodbyes and I headed to the garage, where my mother put all of Grams stuff after she past. I grabbed the first box and started my search.

~~~~~~~An hour later~~~~~~~

I finally found something that could actually help. A record of all the seers in my family, and written accords from them as well. Or journal entries gathered over the years. I flipped through somepages when I saw my grams name and started reading.

'I cannot bear being without him, he is my beloved. Sparks, sparks flew when he touched me, I knew then. But he is only in my visions when I touch his hat. He can see me too, when I go there. I just want him and I know he wants me too. But it is forbidden. I do not know why. This happened to my grandmother and mother too, why must we always find our beloved through our visions. I hate this, all I want is him. My mother knows, she is a seer as well. As with her beloved, she found him, and never touched the item again. It stays in her jewlry box. I know she misses him. I'm going to ask mother why we find them this way. I am going to get to the bottom of this. I want to be with my beloved. I must be with him.'

He is my beloved? What is a beloved? Like a sould mate? I continued to read the next page.

'I asked mother, she said that our women only get hurt by their beloved. But I know Charles could never hurt me. Never. I have decided I will run away and find him with the help of the visions. We will be together. I hope that I find him soon.'

My grandmother ran away to be with her beloved. Holy crap, my grandmother was pretty badass. I kept reading, I wonder what had happen.

'I am crushed! I loved him, and he left me. It feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped on thousands of times. My mother was right we only get hurt. I promise to teach my family to never touch anyone in their visions. They will never get hurt this way. I never want to see my babies get hurt. I could not bare to see that. I promise.'

She got hurt no wonder why she said it was a rule. But I will find out about it myself. I know she was hurt, but maybe it will change, for the better.

I got up and went back inside the house. I'm going to dwell to much into this. I am going to find out what I can do. I don't want to get hurt but I want to be with him, I'm going to find a way.

*Hello! So starting from right now I will be updating every other day. I would like to do more though, but you know school, doing all the things seniors have to do to graduate. Yeah. :/ Thank you so much for reading my book! XOXO! I get excited everytime I see that one more person reads it. I am also changing the main picture. I don't like it very much anymore. Oh please check my home girl Brookeygirlzz she is amazing! Please vote, comment if you like and share with your friends!*


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