Who was the Angel that bumped into me?

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*** A month ago ***

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*** A month ago ***

Gray clouds covered the sky, signaling the arrival of rain which, despite this, persisted in delaying its fall. The day remained hot, stuffy, suffocating like the feeling that enveloped Bright's heart. He walked to his work appointment, absorbed in his thoughts.

He had recently returned to Bangkok, after a month in Tokyo. His long-awaited trip did not have the desired effect. All the illusion he had carried for years had dissipated, but he was still enveloped in the hazy atmosphere of his childhood dreams.


Since he was a child, he felt incomplete.

His parents were worried to see him, a young teenager, almost always wearing an expression of sadness and distance, except when he was with his kitten, Ame, or when he talked about Japan, especially Tokyo, a subject he studied continuously. His dream was to spend at least some time in that city. For him, there he would find what would complete what he was missing. Something that not even he could identify or understand.

In fact, this worsened with the arrival of adolescence. Before, everything seemed normal for Bright's parents. The little one liked contact with nature and participating in physical activities, in the countryside or on the beach. During school holidays, he would join his two cousins, his father's brother's children, and other children in his family circle, playing until exhaustion. No one would have imagined that that friendly and friendly child, from a young age, felt a void in his heart.

With the visible change in temperament, according to his family and friends, Bright's parents decided to seek professional support. Even though he was upset, the teenager had to comply with his parents' instructions. He was getting tired of hearing them discussing his mood, his lack of desire in the interactions common to young people.

Absurd! He doesn't act like a "normal" young man. He doesn't even have a girlfriend, he doesn't show interest in anyone. - He once heard his father say. On the other hand, his mother replied: - That's not the point. I don't care if he's dating or not. Nor what your sexual orientation is. The problem is the sadness I perceive in our boy. This breaks my heart. I'm afraid it's a depressive condition. I'm afraid he's sick. -

At that moment, he decided to be more careful with his expressions. He would try to keep his most distressing feelings to himself and be a "normal" young man. The truth is that therapy helped him understand some things and made him seek to balance the emptiness he felt, with study and social life. Of course, within some limitations. He was not willing to subjugate himself to stereotypical models. I also didn't want to deceive or hurt anyone. Focused on your personal goals. I wanted to be independent and "conquer the world". However, he committed to giving Life an opportunity.

Bright became the man his parents idealized him to be. Always studious, he graduated with honors in administration, completed a postgraduate degree in production engineering and specialized in the financial area. At thirty-two years old, he was already a renowned professional in the Investment Market. Known in circles as "The Midas Touch" or "Golden Boy", terms that he didn't like and that were only said in a "small mouth" in the corridors of the Multinational where he held a leadership position.

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