Awakening in the present - Part II

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Tears welled up in Win's eyes. Uncontrollable, they ran down his face like a cascade of emotions. It was him, Ming.
He remembered the dream, he remembered everything.
The encounter at the jewelry store the night before.
It's not crazy.
It was him...


Seventh Chapter

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Seventh Chapter

Awakening in the present
Part II


- Bright, good morning. Everything is fine with you? - Bright heard his assistant's voice sound apprehensive. -

- Good morning, Anne. I'm fine, I'm going to be a little late today.

- I'm sorry I called, but I was worried. You are always punctual and we can talk about the agenda before the meeting with the team.

- Don't be sorry, it's good you called. Yesterday I had a busy day, I ended up sleeping late and didn't hear the alarm clock. - He preferred to use an excuse. His desire was to return to the dream, which seemed more real than what he was experiencing now. In the dream he didn't have the emptiness in his chest, which returned when he woke up. - Anne, please change the team meeting to eleven o'clock. It won't last beyond twelve thirty, enough time for me to greet you on your return from vacation and go over the week's itinerary. Afterwards, we will be free for lunch. That way, you and I will have time before the meeting. This afternoon, Mike and I will review the report for tomorrow's shareholder meeting and prepare our presentation. I'll be there in less than an hour.

- Ok. I'll let the Team know. See you soon.

- See you and thank you for calling me. Goodbye.-

Bright put down his cell phone and shook his head, trying to get his thoughts together.

"Crazy, paranoid" - he said to himself. - "I'm going to have to look for help. I have to find an appointment with Doctor Pear, but I'll call her myself."

He got up and ran to get ready and head to the office.

The morning passed quickly. He ended up arriving at ten o'clock. He organized what he needed with Anne, then went to the team meeting. He received several hugs and friendly greetings. He talked about the week's agenda. He assigned tasks and made himself available for any questions.
In the end, the meeting was dynamic and fruitful.

Bright released the Assistant and waited for Mike to arrive so they could have lunch together. I would like to take the opportunity to find out how your birthday was and to talk about your strange "trip" to the past.



It's almost time to leave, I agreed to have lunch with Bright, I want to tell him the news and find out how he's really doing. Tomorrow we have an important meeting with the majority shareholders, we will need to prepare this afternoon.

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