Yíng (Win) - The Little Rabbit

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The Manchu dynasty (1644-1911) represented the last phase of the imperial system.
Political power was strongly centralized in the hands of the emperors who succeeded each other on the throne from 1616 to 1912.

The emperors controlled the vast country through an extensive administrative apparatus, consisting of a class of officials recruited according to bureaucratic criteria (called the examination system). The economic structure was based on agricultural production and Chinese society was made up of a small class of landowners and a large majority of peasants.

One of the main factors, perhaps the most important, in understanding the land structure of Chinese society is the understanding of the social mechanism of material accumulation, which was heavily based on the relationship between the imperial bureaucratic service and investment in land purchases.

The landowning class was made up of family clans. To secure land ownership and increase the family's material wealth, it was important for a clan member to obtain an official position within the imperial bureaucratic structure. Fortunes obtained through imperial service were invested in land.

In theory, official positions were open to everyone, including even the poorest peasants, but the absence of a popular education system considerably reduced the chances of those who could not count on the support of a rich family to pay for their studies, which required many years of dedication.

According to scholars of the period, peasants' work was based on capitalist-type lease contracts. Evidently, there were regional variations, but it can be said that in most agricultural areas the landowner provided the land and the peasants provided the labor.


Fifth chapter

Yíng (Win) - The Little Rabbit

*Little Sun and the Bunny

- Oh Bunny, who are you? - Bright said, smiling sideways.

- I'm not a bunny, I'm Yíng!!! Wei Ying, see? - Win shouted and grimaced.

The two children burst into laughter.

- It's okay, Lord Wei Yíng. - Bright bowed. - I am Young Master Ming. Ling Ming Yu, but you can call me Ming.

- I don't know... - Win placed his little finger on his chin and made a thoughtful expression.

- Why not, baby? - Bright held back his laughter.

- I'm not a baby, I'm five years old! - and showed Bright his little hand. - I know my father wouldn't allow it, he keeps telling me not to get close to you.

- Well, here it is just the two of us and I'm much older than you. I am already eight years old, you must obey me.

- Not me, first I obey my father.

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