A long lonely time

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"A long lonely time.
And time passes, so slowly.
And time can only do so much."

"I need your love.
God, quickly send your love to me."

"Wait for me, wait for me.
I'll be home, wait for me."

Third Chapter

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Third Chapter

A long lonely time


It seems like the day had to be surprising.
My friend called me to give my opinion on an engagement ring.

You Must be kidding.

Of course I'm happy for him, he's finally getting past the next stage with Type.
They are extreme opposites, but it's impossible to deny that they love each other.

The point is that this should be the couple's decision. This empty-headed Mike, instead of calling Type himself to choose between three models of wedding rings, that would already be a surprise.
My clueless friend has to be different. Instead of bringing the groom, he brings his friend. You're crazy if you think I'm going to get into this mess.

- Oh Clueless! Only you to make me laugh today. - said Bright, looking at the display with the three pairs of rings - Don't you know that the groom chooses?

- Who said? Where is this written, Mr Right?

- Mike, Friend... you have to bring Type, if you have questions, only he can help you. Imagine me choosing the ring for him! Today I will forgive you for putting me in this situation. Everyone here must think we're going to get married.

- That it?!!! I have good taste.

- Good taste in its dubious conception. The only exception is Type. I know your past.

Bright and Mike burst out laughing together.

The atmosphere was lighter.

Mike decided to take the three rings, as a concession, surprise Type by presenting all three and let him choose one.

First part resolved, they went to the cafeteria.

Mike informed his friend of what was possible, it wouldn't be possible to talk about everything in a few hours. After all, Bright was away for a month. Some more urgent reports had already been passed on during the trip. However, Mike tried to spare his friend. In his mind, Bright would have gone on a commitment trip. Vacation with your girlfriend, in the place of your childhood dreams. What would have gone wrong? One day I would know. Now I needed to focus on the next steps. He still wanted to go home and get ready to meet Type. I intended to surprise in every aspect.

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