Awakening in the present

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Sixth Chapter

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Sixth Chapter

Awakening in the present


Present day - Bangkok

The cell phone alarm rang, making Win wake up from a deep sleep.

He woke up with a start. The dream was very real, he could even taste the sweet in his mouth.
He knew he had lived through it, but now it felt like a fog was clouding his memories.
He stretched his arms. He inhaled and exhaled. He thanked God for the new day.

He stood up slowly, bent, turned, completed the stretch before heading to the shower and morning hygiene.
He was feeling strange. He remembered that in the dream he was happy. I saw the face of someone I had seen before, but I didn't know where.
I felt an discomfort in my chest, very controversial, a tightness and emptiness. I wanted to go back to sleep.

In the shower, he let the warm water run down his body, from his head. He closed his eyes and asked God for balance for that day.

The previous day had been strange, unusual. After he left the jewelry store, he didn't know where to go. He continued uncertainly to the subway station. He almost got on the train. He remembered in time that he had gone by car. Where was your head? He turned around and went to the parking lot, which was close to the jewelry store.

The jewelry store... The dream...

Win got out of the shower, got ready, picked up her bag and, when she put the key in the door, her cell phone rang.

- Hi Mom, good morning. All good?

- Win, don't do it like that. I want to talk to you.

- Mom, we've already talked a lot. I made my decision.

- But you could at least think a little and I...

- Please, this is emotional blackmail. I'm sure of what I want for my life. That doesn't exclude you, Mom. You can come see me anytime. After all, it's not that far away. Anyway, we still have a month left.

- Enough time for you to rethink.

- Seriously, I'm late. Okay, I've already made up my mind. I have nothing left to rethink. I just need to keep everything in order, not have anything to do here.

- That means you won't return... son!

- Oh Mom... I won't abandon you. I'll come back to spend a few days with you when I can and, as I told you, you can come and see me too.

- I know... and you will be busy, caring and paying attention to others, with no time for your mother.

- Hahaha... what a drama. Let's talk and you'll have Dad and Jenny, who already keep you busy. Who knows, maybe one day you'll help me too. I'll be waiting for you.

- For Win, you know I still have commitments here, I can't leave everything and go with you.

- Know. Now I really have to go. I love you. This is not a goodbye.

- I know, but that's how I feel. Come have dinner here today.

- If there's time, I'll go. Goodbye.

- Son! I love you too.

Win left in a hurry, he had an appointment in an hour.
I still needed to eat something and go to the office.

It would be better to have a juice and leave the meal for later.

He went to the garage and got the car. That one would go to Jenny.

His mother made him feel ungrateful, but he had no doubts. Life was taking on a new direction.

He got in the car and drove to the office.

On the way, as expected, the traffic was bad. As it took so long to hear the alarm clock, to get ready, the discomfort when waking up and the call from her mother, she didn't have much time.

He turned on the sound to try to relax a little. As soon as he called he heard Christina Perri's voice...

A thousand years

"...I will have courage

I won't let anything take away

What's in front of me

Every sigh

Every moment has brought to this

One step closer

I died every day waiting for you

One step closer

One step closer

The whole time I believed I would find you
Time brought your heart to me

I loved you for a thousand years

I will love you for a thousand more"

Tears welled up in Win's eyes. Uncontrollable, they ran across his face like a cascade of emotions. It was him, Ming.
He remembered the dream, he remembered everything.
The encounter at the jewelry store the night before.
It's not crazy.
It was him...

End of the first part
Sixth chapter


I'll be back soon

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