Welcome To The Black Bulls!

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Asta and Cyra stood aghast, taking in the whirlwind of magic knights before them - the infamous Black Bulls. Chaos reigned. A fire mage, his black and grey mohawk a wild tangle, sunglasses glinting with reflected flames, clashed with a petite blonde wielding lightning. His feet, clad in boots that crackled with electricity, barely touched the floor as he floated near the balcony, hurling bolts of lightning. The fire mage, a flaming bat his weapon, dodged and weaved, bellowing retorts. "You think a little lightning makes you dangerous? I'll incinerate you!" "Bring it on."

Their battle raged, the air thick with smoke and ozone. Elsewhere, a woman lay sprawled on a couch, revealing matching lingerie with only her robe cover herself from the shoulders and up. A half-empty wine bottle dangled from her hand, her head throbbing in time with her pulse. "What in the... Ugh, I'm never drinking again. What's with all the racket?" Her voice was a miserable whine.

At the dining table, a tiny girl with a bun of black hair sat amidst a mountain of sweets. Her eyes sparkled, a child in a candy store. Cyra's stomach growled in response, but her attention was soon snatched away by a creepily intense young man. He stared at a photo, his nose bleeding, his voice a disturbing whisper. "You look adorable today, little sister Marie..." Cyra exchanged a 'is this guy for real?' look with Asta, but the drunk woman's bellow cut through the room. "Will you all keep it down? Some of us are dying over here!"

One figure remained an oasis of calm amidst the bedlam - a hulking man with black hair, his only reaction a series of slow, deliberate exhalations. Asta and Cyra exchanged a nervous glance, sweat beading on their brows. Finral let out a wry sigh. "Ah, they're at it again." Cyra's mouth fell open. 'Is this normal?! Maybe deadline with the nobles wasn't such a bad idea...' Asta wore a matching look of alarm, but he steeled himself. 'This is where it begins.' "I'm Asta, from Hage Village! Nice to meet everyone! I'm going to be the Wizard King!" His declaration was met with the continuing chaos. The room snapped back into motion. The fire mage spun on Cyra, his face a snarl. "You're the little thief who ate my pudding!" A bolt of lightning barely missed his ear, the blonde giggling. "Lookin' a little heated there." The creepily intense man bellowed, "Enough! What if you wake my sister?!" "Oh, shut up, sister-lover!"

The drunk woman mumbled to herself, trying to piece together the night before... "I remember the drinking contest with that old dude... Ugh, would you all just shut up?!" "Shut up, yourself, booze bag!" "Who're you calling a booze bag, delinquent virgin?" "What? I'm not a virgin!" Her retort was lost in the escalating argument. The blonde unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts. "Look away, and you're dead!" "Bring it on!" The sister-obsessive man was growing more agitated. "I told you to be quiet! I'll kill you all in Marie's name!" Cyra couldn't help it - a laugh bubbled up, escaping despite herself. Finral and Asta shot her worried glances, but it was Yami's stern look that cut her off. He exhaled a stream of smoke, his fist clenched... and slammed into the wall beside him, punching a gaping hole through the plaster. "All of you... Stop destroying everything!"

Finral, Asta, and Cyra all thought the same thing - 'but you just broke the wall.' The room fell silent, all eyes on Yami. Then, the mages surged forward, surrounding him in a flurry of excitement. Asta was crushed in the melee. "Captain!" "Welcome back, Captain Yami!" "Captain, have some of this, it's great!" "Got a minute, Captain?" "Want to spar, Captain? Go all out!" "Forget these kids, Captain, have a drink with me." "Anyone give you lip, Captain? I'll take care of them." "Captain, try this, it's amazing!" "I'm good, think I'll go see my sister now..."

Yami's warm smile didn't reach his eyes. "I see. You all love me... But shut up." The squad scrambled to apologize, kneeling in unison. "Sorry, Captain." Yami attempted to introduce the new recruits, but they were already gone. "I brought new mem— Where'd they go?" Finral pointed to Asta, trapped under the massive, quiet mage. "Over there." "A little help here?" Yami found Asta, his eyes wide as he was squished. "What are you doing, fooling around?" "I'm not!" While Asta extracted himself, Yami and Finral scanned the room for Cyra. "Where's that little brat got to?" Yami's brow furrowed, a muscle ticking in his jaw. Cyra's voice echoed from outside. "Put me down, Themis!" She landed hard behind the group, rolling to her feet. Yami stalked over, hand extended. Cyra yelped as he grabbed her head, his grip like a vice. "Five seconds to explain..." Cyra clung to his wrists, legs kicking wildly. "Themis dragged me off! I swear!" The others stared, amused, at the spectacle. 'Note to self, avoid the dragons.'
Yami's gaze flicked between Cyra and the now-languid dragon. He let out a put-upon sigh. "To be clear, if those dragons try to eat us, you're a dead woman." "Got it." Yami turned back to his squad, Cyra still dangling from his hand. "Alright, this is the other new member." He dropped her, and she landed with a thud. Asta grinned. "Now you know how I felt."

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