Dungeons! Spades! & Dragons! Part 1

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As the sun rose above the treetops and peeked through Cyra's window, bathing the room in sunlight, she threw the blankets over her face in defiance of the new day. But the door burst open before she could enjoy her denial. Magna and Asta sauntered in, Noelle trailing behind them with a sheepish expression. "Wakey, wakey, sleep head!" Magna's voice pierced the air, accompanied by a wide, obnoxious grin.

Cyra groaned, tossing the covers aside and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. "I thought there were traps preventing you guys from getting in here." Asta, leaning against the bed frame, spoke up, "Noelle helped us out." Cyra let out a small sigh, her gaze scanning the room until it landed on the charred patches dotting the walls. "Why was my room on fire?" she demanded. Magna shrugged. "You've been setting off random blazes while you slept over the past two days. You need to get a handle on those flames, kid."

Cyra's eyebrows shot up before the realization hit her. "Wait, did you say I've been asleep for two days?" Asta nodded. "You passed out outside and Atlas carried you in. Vanessa's been babysitting you." Relief washed over Cyra, but it was quickly followed by surprise. Her gaze shifted to Noelle, who looked notably flustered by the door. "You two give Noelle and I a minute. We'll be down soon." Magna, already heading out, called back, "Hurry up, Mister Yami has a mission waiting."

As soon as the door shut, Cyra turned to Noelle. "I didn't want to put you on the spot since you looked a bit hesitant, what's up?" Noelle fidgeted. "I-I...I wanted to apologize for my siblings. I know they can be-" Cyra cut her off with a wave of her hand. "Why are you saying sorry for something they did? It doesn't count coming from you. But thank you, it means a lot considering how our first meeting went." Noelle's face fell, but a small smile played on her lips before she huffed. Cyra chuckled at her reaction. "Let's start fresh. I'm Cyra, from Hage. And you are...?" Noelle hesitated before taking Cyra's offered hand. "Noelle Silva, from the Royal House Silva."

Cyra beamed at Noelle as they released each other's hands. "I don't know what it is, but I think we're going to get along great." Noelle just rolled her eyes. "Whatever, now hurry up." With that, she strode out of Cyra's room, leaving her to follow with a grin.

Cyra rolled her eyes with a small smile to herself as she walked over to the wardrobe, only to find a new set of clothes hanging with the boots left on the bottom. She pulled it down and found a note pinned to the inside. She threw the clothes on the edge of the bed, before walking over to her bench and plopping down to read the note clearly.

While you were sleeping Noelle and I went out to buy you something nice since your old clothes were all tattered and blood stained. You'll get them back in due time. Enjoy!


A smile played on Cyra's lips as she read the note, a thrill of excitement dancing in her chest. With a flicker of anticipation, she strode to the bed's edge, her nightgown whispering to the floor as she shed it. The new outfit lay waiting, and with swift efficiency, she slid into its embrace. The hood and mask, she left discarded. Boots came last, a familiar weight that grounded her. Before the mirror, she paused, drinking in her reflection. The outfit clung to her form, highlighting each curve, the slim armor plating a deadly contrast to the otherwise sleek design. It was hardly substantial protection, yet...there was an undeniable allure to it. 'So light, so silent,' she mused, 'but what about?...' With a fluid grace, she launched into a series of stretches, arms arcing overhead, body bending. Then, in a flash of motion, she dropped into the splits, her body folding like a blade. Hands slapped the floor, and with a burst of strength, she propelled herself upward, legs tucking, her form rotating. Time seemed to slow as she hung, suspended in a perfect handstand. A flicker of power, and she twisted, her body unfolding. She landed lightly, rolling with the impact, and sprang to her feet. She breathed, a triumphant smile gracing her face.

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