The Fist Mission

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Morning came all too swiftly, leaving sleep feeling like a tantalizing mirage. Asta was the early riser, springing into a solitary training session before the sun had fully claimed the sky. He began with a gentle warm-up - a two-mile jog that left his feet pounding out a rhythmic tattoo against the earth. Returning to his starting point, drenched in a sheen of sweat, he swigged a quick mouthful of Morgue Leaf juice. The bitter taste coursed through his veins, preparing him for the more intense training to come.

The peaceful slumber of Theims and Gaia was shattered by Asta's boisterous shouts. The two dragons stirred, their massive heads lifting as they unleashed twin yawns. Small puffs of smoke wafted lazily from their mouths as they stretched their impressive wingspans, the leathery skin creaking with the movement. With a final thud, they landed gracelessly on the ground. Asta, finished with his one-armed push-ups, strode towards them. Sweat dripped from his body, creating small puddles on the ground as he greeted them with a cheerful "good morning" and a scratch behind the ears.

Meanwhile, Cyra was slowly coming to, the first hints of sunrise peeking through her window and grudgingly hauling her from bed. A massive sigh escaped her lips as she stretched, her arms reaching for the ceiling and her legs swinging over the side of the bed. She shuffled to her wardrobe, searching for something, anything, to wear temporarily until she could bathe. Her eyes landed on a short, spaghetti strap nightgown that would have to suffice. With a shrug, she tugged it over her head and grabbed her other clothes, ready to face the day. As she turned the corner before the bathrooms, a bolt of lightning came hurtling towards her. With a swift motion, Cyra flipped over the attack, landing in a crouch on the cold stone floor. Her glare locked onto Luck, who stood at the end of the hall with an obnoxious grin plastered on his face. A low growl rumbled in her throat as she summoned a stream of violet flames along her free arm, slashing them towards Luck. Without waiting to see if she hit her mark, she stood and strode into the women's bath, leaving the drama behind.

Inside, she spotted a smaller woman with pale lilac hair, who was detangling her locks already in the comfort of the lukewarm water. The woman's eyes flickered to Cyra as she approached the bath. Cyra barely spared her a glance as she summoned her water dweller, who scurried down into the water to warm it to perfection. An awkward tension hung in the air until Cyra broke the silence, "I thought the water could use a bit of a warm-up. You must be the other new recruit, nice to finally meet you."

The lilac-haired woman shot her a look of pure disdain, but it faltered as she sensed the immense amount of mana radiating from Cyra who began to detangle her own hair. "A lowlife such as yourself shouldn't be speaking to-" Cyra cut her off, her patience already wearing thin. "Nope, not starting my day with bullshit classist talk from a noble." With that, she hauled herself out of the bath, wrapping in a towel and summoning her water dweller. The creature retaliated by turning the water icy cold before scurrying back onto Cyra's shoulder. She quickly dressed, finishing with a tug of her boots. Her hair was still dripping as she strode out of the bath and back to her room to grab her grimoire, robe, and dagger hairpin. She slammed the door behind her, noting the sun was rising over the horizon. Navigating the maze of base halls, she finally arrived at the kitchen and dining area, where everyone was already seated, the lilac-haired noble notably absent. Charmy spotted her and dispatched a sheep to escort Cyra to the table. "Wait, what's going on?" "Don't worry about food, I've got that covered." The sheep deposited her between Magna and an empty chair. Cyra let out a sigh, letting her head thud onto the table. "What's got you in a mood?" Magna questioned, a brow raised. She lifted her head, "Pretty sure I met the other new recruit this morning during my bath, it was unpleasant to say the least." "Well that explains why your hair is soaking wet." Vanessa chimed in, a small smile playing on her lips. "So you finally met Noelle this morning." "Yep, guess so."

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