Surprise On The Nightstand

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While Cyra lay sleeping, her body healing from the rigors of their last mission, Atlas and Noelle embarked on a special task. They journeyed to the noble realm, seeking a new outfit for their companion. The bloodstains on Cyra's current attire told the tale of her bravery, but they were beyond repair. The fabric, once a vibrant shade of indigo, was now marred by blotches of crimson that no amount of cleaning could fully remove. The stitching, too, was frayed in places, threatening to unravel with each movement.

Their quest led them through bustling marketplaces and quaint shops, each overflowing with garments of every color and cut imaginable. Atlas, ever the practical one, focused on durability and functionality. Noelle, with her keen eye for aesthetics, searched for something that would complement Cyra's spirit. After much deliberation, they found the perfect ensemble. The bodysuit was a deep, midnight blue, with golden and light blue steel accents. Shimmering with a subtle, starlight quality. The material felt sturdy, yet supple, promising both aesthetically pleasing and comfort.

With their mission accomplished, they returned to the base. Atlas immediately set to work on imbuing the new outfit with magic. His fingers danced through intricate patterns, his incantation a soft murmur. A warm glow enveloped the garments, imbuing them with resistance to flames and the ability to mend themselves. Finally, Atlas carefully folded the enchanted attire, placing it on the nightstand beside Cyra's bed.

When Cyra would awaken, she'd find the thoughtful gift left by her squad members. The clean, midnight blue fabric and steel would be a welcome change from her previous battle-worn clothes. The magic woven into the threads would offer her greater use in her future endeavors. But more than that, the new outfit would serve as a symbol of the care and consideration of Atlas and Noelle. In a world filled with danger, these small, wholesome moments reminded them of the bonds they shared, and the love that motivated them to persevere.

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