Mal's Return to the Isle

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Garnet was on the waterside staring out as she breathed in the salty air. She heard footsteps behind her as she heard the person say, "You want to come do rounds with me?" Garnet turned around to see Harry. "If the barrier ever comes down. I want to sail. I want to sail so far away and have a family on the seas." Harry hugged her from behind as he said, "What if we made a pact? Once the barrier rises, we pack everything we have. We'll ask Uma to take one of the ships. Leaving everyone we know behind. Start a life with just us." Garnet looked up at Harry with a smile as she said, "I love that idea." Harry kissed Garnet's forehead as they held each other's hands and walked through the isle of the lost collecting the money. They reached Dizzy's hair parlor. Garnet always loved Dizzy as she felt like a little sister to her. She met Dizzy through Evie and has always kept an eye on Dizzy. They entered the parlor as Dizzy had some money into her cashier when Harry said, "Fork it over, little one."

Dizzy was about too when Garnet grabbed her hand and looked at Harry shaking her head no. Harry sighed but gave a nod making Garnet smile and Dizzy hugging her. "Well well well, look what we have here." Garnet turned to see Mal as she had a glare upon her face. "Harry, Garnet." Garnet walked over to Harry as he put an arm around her waist and said, "Mal, what are you doing here? What happened to your fabulous life in Auradon?" Mal looked at Garnet and said, "You know we didn't want to leave you. Evie and Jay asked Ben to bring you over but his father wasn't allowing it." Garnet rolled her eyes and said, "I found another family. One that has taken me in. I found someone to love me." Mal sighed as Harry said, "Uma is going to love hearing that you are here."

Mal looked at Harry and said, "Uma still has you doing errands for her huh." Garnet rolled her eyes and said, "Uma is family to us. We help each other. Not abandoned each other." Mal looked down in shame as Harry said, "Let's go Garnet. We're going to tell Uma the great news." Garnet nodded. The two walked hand in hand back to the restaurant as Garnet sat on the highchairs when Uma walked back in and said, "You got the taxes?" The couple nodded as Harry said, "We also have some great news. Mal is back and I believe we should plan our idea." Uma smirked then looked over at Garnet who looked sad. "Not here though. Garnet is already upset as it is." Harry nodded, the two walked over to make their plan happen. 


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