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Garnet decided that she needed to talk to her mother and ask her for some advice. She headed up a little path upon a hill where some guards were. She walked through the door and through the hallway. She heard her mother yell, which she smiled at her mother's voice. She went to the throne room as The Queen of Hearts saw her daughter and said, "Darling! Come come!" Garnet walked over to her mother sitting beside her as Queen of hearts said, "What do you need darling?" Garnet looked down and said, "I have some complications with something, and I don't know what to do." The Queen of Hearts put a hand on her shoulder. "Mal is back on the isle and feelings I used to feel with them are back. But Uma, Gil, and Harry are my family. I don't know what to do." Queen of Hearts grabbed her daughter's hand and said, "What is your heart telling you, my love." Garnet looked at her mother and said, "To stay with my family." The Queen of Hearts smiled down at her daughter and said, "Then follow what your hearts tells you." Garnet nodded, she gave her mother a hug and walked out of the home.

She headed down to the shop and walked in only to bumped into Mal. "What are you doing here?" Mal looked back at Uma and said, "Just having a nice chat. Remember that pirates are sneaky, and you aren't a pirate." Garnet stepped up to Mal and said, "Pirate's may seem like thief's. But they keep each other safe and act like family. And after you left me all alone. That family took me in. So, yeah, I'm a pirate. Now and forever. Remember your place princess or I'll put you in your place." Mal seemed shocked at how blunt Garnet was. When she hung out with the VK's she tends to stay quiet but ever since she was with Harry and Uma, she became more assertive of herself. "Now leave Mal." Mal walked off as Garnet looked over at Harry and Uma. "What the heck is Mal doing here?"

Harry and Uma looked at each other. Harry sighed, grabbing Garnet's hand, and said, "We made a plan for Mal to bring us the wand so that we can take down the barrier. So that you and I can live the way we talked about." Garnet looked at Harry and said, "Do you think the others will be here?" Harry looked down at her and shrugged. "In my heart, Jay and Evie are still family. They may not see it that way, but I do." Harry hugged Garnet as Uma looked at the couple with sadness. Garnet walked outside, strolling alongside the road as she started to sing to herself, "Here you are alone, and you deserve it. Your friends have turned their back. And that's on you. You had a cause to serve, but did you serve it? Or did you see yourself in a way that wasn't true?" Then she saw Carlos and Jay standing to the side, so she hid behind a pillar watching her old friends.  


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