Their Ending

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Garnet ran to her home to get everything she needed to pack up. She ran up the stairs of her home to her room. She grabbed a bag and put her clothes, makeup, and other essentials. The door opened behind her as she looked over her shoulder to see Gaston and her mother in her room. "Mom? Why is dad here?" The Queen of Hearts took her daughters hand into her hand and said, "Gil told us that you and Harry were leaving on a ship." Garnet looked down at her hands and said, "It's true mom. Harry and I aren't happy here and we decided it was best for us to leave. To have a life of our own." Gaston walked up to Garnet and The Queen of Hearts. "Is this something you want?" Garnet looked at Gaston and said, "You have no right to say anything. You abandoned me when I was born. I only just knew about my 3 half-brothers." Gaston and The Queen of Hearts looked down in shame. The Queen of Hearts took her hands and said, "Do what you must darling. Live the life you want with the one you love." Garnet nodded, hugging her mother then grabbing her bags and running to the docks.

She walked up to the ship seeing Uma hugging Harry then walked over to Garnet. The two girls hugged each other as Uma said, "Take care Garnet. You, Gil, and Harry are my family. I'm losing half of my family." Garnet smiled at Uma and said, "Just remember that we'll come back to visit. We just need some time to ourselves and have a family that's our own." Uma nodded. Uma walked off the boat helping the couple ship off when Harry saw some of the barrier up. Garnet and Harry used it and went into the ocean.

Garnet stared at the Isle of the Lost as it shrank smaller and smaller. Garnet had tears in her eyes as Harry hugged her from behind. "We'll finally have a family together on the seas just as we planned." Garnet nodded. "Are we husband and wife?" Garnet asked. Harry smiled down at Garnet and said, "I guess we are my love." The couple sailed away into the open ocean as they enjoyed the scenery that was in front of them.

A Year Later

Harry was steering the ship towards Auradon. Garnet was holding a baby girl in her arms as another baby bump was showing. They arrived to the dock as Harry helped her off and they headed down the ship. Mal and Ben were standing with Uma and Gil. The four friends hugged each other. Uma looked down at the little girl and said, "Is this your daughter?" Garnet nodded. "This is Quinn Uma Hook. She's your god daughter if you'll take it?" Uma had tears in her eyes as the two hugged each other. Mal and Ben walked up to the couple as Ben said, "Welcome to Auradon!" 

 Mal and Ben walked up to the couple as Ben said, "Welcome to Auradon!" 

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