Co stars A.F.

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You were a new actor and your first role was in the really loud house you were playing lynn loud's love interest.

The first day of filming, you arrived on set and saw a very pretty girl who was wearing red. and had written on the back of her jaket "1 loud" , so you assumed that she was the girl who was playing lynn loud jr.

Just as you were zoning out someone tapped you on the shoulder, as you turned around to see who it was you were met with mesmerising green eyes staring into yours, it was the girl you were staring at. She decides to break the silence and says.

"Hey I'm Annaka Fourneret"
At the sound of her voice you feel blood rushing to you cheeks

"I'm y/n and I'm new here it nice to meet you Annaka"

She let's out her hand so you could shake it

"Oh well that's amazing so what role are you playing y/n?"

"I'm playing the role of Lynn Loud's love interest Elizabeth Woods"

"Oh well then I guess we will be working together a lot because I'm playing Lynn Loud Jr"

"Well it's good to know but anyway I have to go see you later"

"Bye y/n''

*Time skip*

It was thee last day on set and you were getting closer to Annaka each day but you were still nervous when you would talk to her.
But today was different you were even more nervous because today was the day of the kissing scene between you and her so you were panicking to say the least.

So after that you went to the set and started but each time the kiss scene was about to happen you kept giggling so you couldn't do it.

After many failed attempts the director gave you and Annaka a 10 minute break. As you were sitting in your trailer you were asking yourself why you couldn't do it because you liked Annaka and you wanted to kiss her but before you could you would burst into laughter so you decided to go to her trailer.

After that you ran to her trailer, opened the door and without saying anything you smashed her and your lips together at first she was confused but after a bit she melted into the kiss and kissed back after what felt like hours you pulled away.

"There I kissed you but why couldn't I do it on set"


But when you heard her you came back to you senses and realized you just kissed your crush at that moment you felt your cheeks go warm and you started blushing like crazy.

"Oh god I'm so sorry Annaka I didn't mean to-" and suddenly you were interrupted by lips smashing onto yours you were caught by surprise but you quickly kissed back just as you pulled away Annaka said.

"I like you too y/n"

Before you could say anything you were called to do the kissing scene but this time you both nailed it and as you were getting back to you trailer you were stoped but someone grabbing you hand and pulling you into a kiss just as you lips departed Annaka looked you in the eyes and said.

"Y/n L/n will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will"

Just as you said that both of you exchanged another kiss

570 words


hi so this is my first story I hope you enjoyed and if you want to make any requests send me a message and I think I will update regularly and thanks for reading

Annaka forneret one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now