A Tiring Day On Set A.F.

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You and Annaka had been dating for a year. You both met at an event when she was starting to grow in fame and you were her number one fan, so after you met she fell for you and asked you on a date and one thing leads to another so you guys started dating.

Annaka was coming home late and leaving super early so you couldn't see her because of filming. You were friends with the cast for some time, and you could get on set anytime you wanted, so you decided to surprise her.

As you arrived there you expected her to be awake or filming a scene but she was nowhere to be found so you decided to ask sofia where she was and she had told you that she was probably sleeping somewhere.

Of course you did expect this since she had narcolepsy so you were looking for her everywhere and finally you found her sleeping on the ground in Lincoln's room on a pillow she was wearing red sweatpants, a marine blue jacket and white and red jordans.

She was sleeping peacefully, and she looked beautiful, so you decided not to wake her up but to instead sleep next to her.

So you layed there so close to her you could feel her breath on your face as she wrapped her arms around you and gave you a peck on the lips which made you smile as you cuddled her for about an hour before she woke up.

"Bonjour mon amour as tu bien dormi?"
( Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?)

"Love since when do you know how to speak French?"

"Since i was 2, i learned it when I was very young,"

"So wait... all the things I said to you in French, you..."

"Yup, understood all of them, but anyway, let's stop talking about my language skills and go back to the reason why I came here"

"Oh yeah, what are you doing on set?"

"I wanted to surprise you because we weren't spending time together, so I came here"

"Oh I'm so sorry we couldn't spend time together"

"It's okay love you can make it up to me later with cuddles and kisses"

"I promise I will make it up to you"

"Mhm sure now go back to sleep because we both know you need it because of your narcolepsy"

"Yeah thanks love I'm going back to sleep sweet dream, love you"

"I love you more Annaka"

"You pecked her on the lips as you both fell asleep yet again"

430 Words


So this is the end of yet another chapter thanks for the views love you guys so much thank you again and i am currently writing another chapter i will upload today so stay tuned

Ps: i may write more than 2 chapters today depending if i find ideas or not anyways love you guys and tell me if i should write a TRLH x danger force fanfic that is a Lynn loud x fem reader story. See you guys later ❤️😘

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