The Interview A.F.

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You were a young graduated journalist who graduated at the age of eighteen because you were brilliant so you were able to pass all the tests and get your degree early.

You got invited to an event which you only accepted to go because your crush Annaka Fourneret was there.

You had been in love with Annaka for some time, and you fell for her after watching one of her most recent series, The Really Loud House.

You were watching it, cause when you were young, you basically grew up with The Loud House, so after you were informed, there was a live action you had to watch it.

Yeah, you were 16 when it came out in 2022, but that didn't stop you from watching it, and that is when you fell in love with the show first, then Annaka.

Basically, you were head over heels for her so it was exiting finally meeting her it had your adrenaline levels increasing.

You had arrived and you immediately started interviewing the many celebrities at the event, you saw a lot of celebrities you admired like Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Jenna Ortega, Emma Myers you even saw Emenem it went better than you expected you even befriended some of them.

Finally you saw her, she had a tight black dress on, that outlined her curves as you were making your way to where she was you couldn't help but blush a little, as your heart rate increased but you adjusted yourself as you stood next to her looking down, there was quite the height difference since you were 5'10 and she was 5'4.

"Hello Annaka the name's Y/n L/n and I would like to interview you if you don't mind"

"Oh why hello Y/n sure I wouldn't mind"

"YES" you thought to yourself before you started asking questions.

And during the entire interview you didn't notice, but Annaka was looking at you with a look full of love and finally the interview was over so you said to her.

"Thank you so much Annaka for your time and I would like to say that I am a big fan so it was an honour interviewing you"

"Oh a fan? If you don't mind me asking how old are you?"

"It's okay I don't mind, I'm actually eighteen"


"Well since I was able to pass all the tests with ease and was getting straight A's they gave me a test to see my level and I was determined as the highest level so they moved my classes and I graduated early"

"Wow that's quite impressive"

"Thank you"

"Well I wanted to ask you if you were free on the weekend Y/n"

After she said that your heart started beating incredibly fast, this was the day you were waiting for, your dream come true... your celebrity crush was asking you on a date the Annaka Fourneret was asking you out, you regained yourself and answered.

"Are you asking me on a date"


"Sure,I have no problem as long as I'm the one who pays"


"Okay then it's settled here's my number text me but now I have to go get more interviews done see you Fourneret"

"See you L/n"

And with that, you just got asked out by the prettiest woman you had ever layed your eyes on, the woman you fell in love with 2 years ago had asked you out and you had agreed, and this just made your night way better.

So you finished your interviews and befriended the loud cast and a few more celebrities while interviewing them and you went home incredibly happy that you made new friends and got a date with the love of your life after so long, you made Annaka Fourneret fall for you.

644 Words


Okay so I probably will start writing a full story of The Really Loud House x Danger Force and I wrote some details on the A/n before this chapter if you want to check it out and thanks for the support Lynnloudjrhehe and I read your Lynn Loud Jr fanfic And it's amazing and thanks for the support from you McKenzie846330 and thanks for following, you too trans_Oliver my first sub, btw I read your Jenna Ortega story and it was very good thanks for both of you and if you want a part 2 tell me, lots of love ❤️😘😍.

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