Sibling Rivalry L.L.J

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Y/n, Lincoln and Clyde were best friends for the Louds Clyde and Y/n were like family but one thing Y/n didn't know was that Lincoln was in love with her and so was Lynn, Lincoln's older sister so they were both trying to win her over.

One day Y/n and Clyde were coming over so this was the day Lincoln would ask Y/n out or at least he thought because when Y/n arrived Lynn beat him to the door and welcomed Y/n and told her she wanted to confess something but before she could, he cut her off and said to Y/n.

"Y/n I like you very much and I want to be your boyfriend, would you like to go out with me?"

After he said that, he looked relieved, but Lynn looked pissed but it all changed when Y/n said.

"Sorry Lincoln, but you're like a brother to me."

"Oh, it's okay. I hope this doesn't make it weird between us,"

"Oh, of course not. You're like the little brother never had, and what did you want to tell me, Lynn?"

After she said that Lynn took a huge breath and got ready, she had been learning French to confess to her because Y/n spoke it so to impress her, she said with a very American accent.

"Y/n de toutes les étoiles du ciel, pour moi tu es celle qui brille le plus. Ton rire est ma mélodie préférée et ton sourire illumine mon monde come des feux d'artifice une nuit d'été. Tes bizarreries et ces défauts rendent parfaitement imparfaite et je ne changerais rien à ton sujet. tu n'es pas juste une autre fille; Tu es la pièce manquante de mon puzzle, celle qui fait battre mon cœur et donne à mon âme le sentiment d'être complete Alors pourquoi est-ce que je t'aime autant ? Parce que pour moi t'aimer est comme le sentiment recentit par nous quand retourne à la maison, et trouver ma chose éternelle dans un monde plein de temporaires"

(Out of all the stars in the sky, you shine the brightest to me. Your laughter is my favorite melody, and your smile lights up my world like fireworks on a summer night. Your quirks and flaws make you perfectly imperfect, and I wouldn't change a single thing about you. You're not just another girl; you're the missing piece to my puzzle, the one who makes my heart skip a beat, and my soul feels complete. So, why do I love you so much? Because loving you feels like coming home, like finding my forever in a world full of temporary)

"Hahahaha, Lynn, did you learn French just to confess to me?"


"That's so sweet, and je t'aime aussi, de tout mon coeur"

"Voulez-vous partir avec moi en un rendez-vous?"

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you,"

Lynn looks at Lincoln, then she says to Y/n

"Can i talk to you somewhere more private?"

"It's okay. I'll leave Lynn"

After Lincoln left Y/n Looked at Lynn and said.

"Look I love your brother but I've always wanted to do this to you I couldn't do it infront of him cause I felt bad"

Then she gets closer to Lynn cups her cheeks and kisses her on the lips passionately.

"Finally took you long enough Y/n"

"Your lips are just as I expected"


"Soft and taste like heaven"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I will act softly towards you, well at least not infront of everyone"

"It's okay I'm happy that I got the Lynn Loud Jr to be mine"

"Oh so we're dating now?"

"Yes deal with it Loud"

"I'll deal with it alright"

Then Y/n gets lost in Lynn's beautiful green eyes and says to her

"I want to kiss you again"

"Who's stopping you exactly L/n?"

"No one"


Before she could finish that she was cut off by Y/n's lips crashing onto hers as she kissed back and after what felt like hours the pulled away.

"Hey Lynn?"


"Can we please go cuddle in your bed"

"Sure let's go"

As the interlock their fingers they go to Lynn's room to cuddle.

709 Words


Anyway sorry for updating late I was working on the other fanfic if you want a part 2 tell me and I still don't have a cover for the other one so I will put a random Lynn Loud image until I learn how to make a proper cover so yeah thanks for the reads and enjoy.
Love you guys ❤️😍😘

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