Ennemies? L.L.J.

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Y/n and Lynn were enemies, or at least that's what everybody assumed they were, but there was more to them than meets the eye.

They were actually, you guessed it, lovers. And they were doing a great job hiding their relationship until... Luna kinda caught them making out, and so Luna knows. So it's only Luna it still is going to be easy, right? Wrong because she's always teasing you guys because she says she can't help it, so you guys have to deal with it, and it's not like they can erase her memory or something.

So one day they were at school and Lynn had a big game against Y/n's school did I forget to mention that they go to different schools oh and their school are ennemies and if they were to be seen together they would be kicked out of their teams?

Anyway, the game was over, and Lynn lost... weird, but yeah, they lost, so she was incredibly angry, but her girlfriend was bursting with joy, so when Lynn excused herself, Y/n immediately noticed, so she too excused herself and followed Lynn.

Lynn wasn't able to get far before Y/n caught up to her and said to her.


After saying that, Lynn turned to face her girlfriend with a neutral expression on her face, and without saying anything, she pulls her girlfriend to an empty classroom and slams her on the door as she starts kissing her without any mercy while letting her anger out.

"Lynn slow down."

Was all Y/n could say before Lynn got more aggressive, no longer kissing her lips but going down and eventually reaching her neck as she started leaving hickeys and a few minutes later Y/n was covered in them but Lynn eventually stops and looks at Y/n.

"Fuck you Y/L/n"

"I would but we are at school, and stop looking at me like that it's not my fault we won"

After she said that the room was silent and she noticed Lynn blushing like crazy so she decides to use this opportunity and says.

"What cat got your tongue"

"Shut it Y/L/n"

"I love making you flustered anyway, Loud I have to go but I'm staying over at yours so be prepared, and I love you bye"

After saying that she places a gentle kiss on her lips as she leaves.

405 words


Hey feels good to be back I'm sorry for not updating but I'm back so yeah and thank you so much for 1.1k reads I never thought I would make it this far. Love you guyssss 😘❤️🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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