CHAPTER 1: once a cheater, always a cheater.

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AMANDA'S POV: "once a cheater, always a cheater" my sisters and friends say when they found out I was dating a cheater. I known from the start that my husband was a cheater, he cheated his exes in the past but I brushed it off because he was loving me, he trusted me a lot, made me feel secure and I hoped, no, for sure that he wouldn't cheat on me.

But that hope torn itself apart the moment I heard a female voice talking in our bedroom.

It was night, I just arrived home from work after a long day of filming and laughing my cheeks were starting to get hurt from smiling too much. When I stepped inside our door, something feels... odd. Normally I'd leave it be, but no.. something was wrong.

I saw my husband's shoes on the steps of the stairs along with a small red heels. I don't own small and I felt my heart skip a beat. Suddenly a big weight hit down on me as I kept going up the stairs quietly, my steps were silent and I couldn't breathe because I could feel the air was becoming too tight around me, the air was becoming toxic and it was getting harder to breathe.

I finally reached our bedroom door the door was opened but not so widen as I took a peek my brown eyes widen I felt my jaw dropped and my heart just stops beating seeing my husband loving someone in the same bed she lays in with him, seeing him being so protective to the woman who's laying at the exact side of my bed.

That's where I finally breathe like as if I held my breath for too long. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know whether I should confront him now or just run away without him knowing I felt my whole body slowly steps back silently and that night. It wasn't me who's controlling my body Anymore.

All I could remember now is that I was gone, out of the house in a car driving away as I can without him knowing. I could still see them when I close my eyes and I couldn't think of anything but them but my husband loving someone else in our own bed, in our own house that we bought. My body itched as I gripped the steering wheel too tight to the point my knuckles were turning white.

I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes but they wouldn't roll down. Biting my own lower lip too hard to the point it's starting to hurt. No, it didn't start now, it start few minutes ago that felt hours. The ride was silent, as I pass by few houses. A part of me keeps telling that I should go back and confront him, but another part of me wants to keep on driving, drive as fast as I can.

ANGELA'S POV: I was eating a lasagna while scrolling on my phone watching tiktok when I suddenly heard a car pulled over outside of my house I've notice my roommate Olivia was watching tiktok on her phone aswell when suddenly she spoke "10 bucks if it's Amanda"

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head "no, it couldn't he Amanda, it might be chanse. Amanda's probably at hom-" the sound of knocking came from our door that cut me off. I look at Olivia she let out a soft sigh before standing up and head to the door, she opens it and saw Amanda

"Where's angela?" Amanda asked, her voice was hoarse and she had red puffy eyes. Olivia suddenly felt a pang of concern in her "she's in the living room.." she trails off when Amanda walks inside Olivia closed the door and followed Amanda behind as they walk together to the living room, Amanda immediately sat down beside me and curled up in a ball I turn to look at her as I notice the look on her face that made concerned me.

I've notice Olivia's concerned look before she heads to her bedroom I then look back at Amanda I leave a sigh before scooting closer and pulled Amanda close letting her head rest against the crook of my neck "tell me.." I asked quietly.

"I can't.. " Amanda answered "I don't know what to do.. i- I'm such a idiot.." she sounded so vulnerable, I didn't know what to do aswell I didn't know what was happening as I tighten my hold. "What happened?" I asked.

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