CHAPTER 5: "I would give anything not to look at you."

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Author's Note: this is Based on the exam-room scene from Grey's anatomy. Little lemons.

ANGELA'S POV: it's Courtney's birthday, we were done filming 'Try not to laugh Courtney's birthday edition" everyone was so excited for her birthday party and enjoy the night drinking, I've notice people starting to pack their belongings early to get ready later for her place.

I was excited and wanted to wear an outfit that I bought from last week but then i thought about for a moment while i drive in silent "what if the outfit isn't good for the party? What if its not the best? What if i get insecure after?" Until I arrive home and thought "fine, let's just get comfy and get over with." Before leaving the car and head over to the door walking in i see Olivia already doing her make up in the living room I head over to my bedroom to change my outfit.

I put on a white tank top then covered it with a black jacket, some black pants and my boots, I did some little make up and brushed my hair. Until I heard a knock on my door "enter" i say as I turn and saw Olivia in a tight purple dress, her make up was done and her hair was done wavy. "Oh? You're gonna go like that?"

I raised an eyebrow "Yeah why?"

"Didn't you hear? Courtney's birthday theme is like go overboard dress whatever you want be happy you know what am saying?" She said, which now I understand why she's wearing the purple dress that shows skin and her curves.

I nodded and gave an assuring smile "i understand." She nodded and closed the door leaving me alone. I thought about it for a moment, and my final thoughts said "yeah let's wear it."

|| A T  T H E  P A R T Y ||

ANGELA'S POV: It’s a night of extravagances, It was exciting, it was fun the place was crowded some people i don't know were dancing in the dance floor, i see few smosh casts talking and having fun which was great for them but not for me. The place was a little bit crowded, and i already lost olivia the moment we both enter the room, i've decided to get out of the crowded room and head outside for some fresh air.

But as i walk past few people i see amanda drinking from a red cup she's holding while she's leaning against the wall, she was scanning the room in her black tight dress showing off her curves and her hair wavy in a good way.

I started to walk away trying my best avoid her after chanse told me yesterdag to hold it in (where the fuck is he anyways?) I've been thinking about what she's wearing for the party for a while now, she never told me and i never get the chance to bring it up during our conversations but now seeing her would make it all more real. It was already hard seeing her every day at work, but seeing her there alone would forced myself to deal with the fact that I had a one time with her,

She sees me walking the other way then I wondered what she's thinking about.

AMANDA'S POV: me, chanse, spencer and Tommy first arrived at the party, the room was starting to get crowded and we only get a quick greet to Courtney before she disappears to the sea of strangers, chanse and Tommy said they'd dance for a moment while Spencer was gonna look for shayne which left me alone that's just great.

I went to the corners where it's less crowded, I grabbed myself a drink and stood there scanning the sea of strangers, as I look around i notice Olivia dancing with Spencer and chanse which means Angela came.

Then suddenly, my eyes laid onto her.

She was in a dark red dress, collarbone exposed, sleeves long and it's above the knee, she was also wearing black sandals instead which was good since last time she wore heels and didnt handled it well.

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