CHAPTER 7: a grin in our faces

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A:N: short chapter! So sorry <3

ANGELA'S POV: It was morning, a cold morning. I lay awake, unable to sleep, and beside me was Amanda, also wide awake. She lay there, staring at me with a gentle smile on her face, her hand softly caressing my hair. We were both naked under the warm covers, feeling a sense of intimacy and closeness that only the early hours of the day could bring. Amanda's grin was infectious, spreading joy and contentment throughout the room as we basked in the quiet stillness of the morning. Our hearts were connected in that moment, sharing a silent understanding and a bond that words could never fully express.

I let out a scoff and shook my head in disbelief. "Don't give me that look," I said, feeling a mix of amusement and exasperation. Her grin grew even bigger as she shifted closer to me and pulled me in even closer. Our bare bodies connected, and I could feel the warmth of her skin against mine.

"You didn't resist," she said playfully, her eyes sparkling with mischief. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation, feeling a rush of affection towards her. It was moments like these that made me grateful for her presence in my life.

"I couldn't because-" i couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence as she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. In that moment, words seemed unnecessary as the warmth of her touch enveloped me. The softness of her kiss spoke volumes, expressing emotions that words could never fully capture. It was a simple gesture, yet it held a depth of meaning that resonated deep within me. The world around us faded away as we lay there, lost in the intimacy of that stolen moment. The feeling of her lips on mine lingered long after she pulled away, leaving me with a sense of longing and desire

"Stop that," I said as she grinned mischievously. "Stop what?" she replied, playfully climbing on top of me and planting kisses on my jaw and neck. "Stoopp..." I sighed, trying to maintain a serious tone despite the ticklish sensations her lips were causing. As she continued to shower me with affectionate gestures, I couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through me, melting away any remaining resistance to her playful advances. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to fully embrace the moment and savor the joy of her presence.

"You gotta speak baby.. otherwise I'd keep going.." she muffled against my skin as she keeps kissing my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes tightly and let out a sigh, feeling the warmth of her breath against my skin. Her gentle touch made me feel alive, as if every nerve in my body was tingling with excitement. I couldn't help but lose myself in the moment, savoring every second of her affection. It was a feeling unlike any other, a sense of connection and intimacy that I had never experienced before. With every kiss, I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into a state of blissful surrender.

Amanda's eyes twinkled mischievously as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against my skin. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan as she teasingly pulled away, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. She gazed at me with a look of amusement, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she remained on top of me.

"God, you're insufferable," I muttered with a mixture of exasperation and affection. Despite my words, a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips, unable to resist her infectious energy. Amanda's laughter filled the room, echoing with joy and warmth as she playfully nudged me, the bond between us growing stronger with each shared moment.

She stared at me lovingly as her hand reached out to caress my hair, a gentle and comforting touch that instantly made me feel at ease. "You didn't sleep," she whispered, her voice filled with concern. I smiled softly in response, grateful for her presence and the warmth of her touch. "Neither did you," I observed, noting the tired look in her eyes.

"Don't worry," Amanda reassured me as she lay back on her side and let out a sigh. "I'll have a chat with Ian about how we're both feeling the effects of last night." Her words made me chuckle softly as I shifted closer to her, wrapping my arms around her as we both lay on my bed.

"Alright, sounds like a plan. Let's just take it easy and get some more rest," I replied, feeling grateful for her understanding and support. We closed our eyes, enjoying the comfort of each other's presence as we drifted off into a peaceful nap, knowing that we had each other's back no matter what.

|| E N D  O F  C H A P T E R  7 ||

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