CHAPTER 3: vulnerable on the worse times.

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ANGELA'S POV: it was 2:42 am when I first started to hear loud knocking on my front door, outside was still cold and dark it kept raining heavily and now it was just all a blur, it's early morning with the cold day view and rain still pouring outside. I still remember what happened and how it happened with the woman beside me asleep...

And I let it happened. When it shouldn't.

|| B E F O R E T H E A F T E R M A T H ||

ANGELA'S POV: I was waiting, waiting for amanda to come home. She hasn't returned my calls or texts which made me worried, a part of me tells that I should go and find her but another part of me told myself to wait a little longer all these options yet my body wouldn't move as I remain seated on the couch with the TV flashing scenes in front of me that weren't so important.

I look at the time on my phone and saw it was 2:40 am "where the fuck is she?" I said to myself not knowing I was picking my nails from the pang of concern in me. I stare at the empty distance hoping to hear a knock when suddenly the sound of thunder bang outside of my house and in an instant it starts to pour rain heavily outside.

I was alone in my own home, Olivia was staying over at Courtney's for a moment which leads me alone in this house, "Shit that's just great." I scoffed rubbing my forehead and tried to calm myself, but I couldn't. I was worried and scared until I finally hear knocking on my front door my eyes lit up I stand up from my seat and hurriedly walk towards to the door with my hand reached onto the doorknob twisting it before opening it as my eyes widen.

"oh baby.. " it slipped out of my lips the moment I see Amanda soaked from the rain, with her hair wet and her clothes were sticked onto her body seeing her curves, with her eyes red and puffy possibly from crying, she steps in and suddenly her lips crashed against mine in the most aggressive way as I felt, she deepened the kiss, feeling her tongue entering in, causing me to whimper, i felt her hand holding the back of my head as if not wanting me to pull away and her other hand placed inside the back of my shirt, my hands automatically wrapped around the back of her neck, pulling her in inside as I could hear her close the door.

She pins me against the nearest wall, lips still sewn to each other, I could feel her hands reach the hem of my shirt and I finally gathered the courage and pushed her away "s-stop,stop, i-" I was out of breath, panting heavily as I look at her in the eyes, her eyes darken with desires as if this isn't the Amanda that I know.

"Why.. why baby.. was I too aggressive? Do you want me gentle? I can do that.. I can.." her voice was hoarse and sounded pleading i felt her hand reach in and cup my cheek while the other run through my hair feeling her fingertips scratch my scalp.

"I- no- no i-" suddenly the words dried out when I feel her lips kissing my Jaw I let out a moan my hands immediately grabbed onto the back of her soaked shirt and clenching it tight while she works her wonders on me her soft lips onto my pale skin trailing it down until she was kneeling infront of me

She was holding my shirt up and was already revealing my black bra with a bow in the middle causing her to smile "cutie.." she muttered as she kissed my stomach gently I whimpered at the feeling of her lips onto me, I cupped her cheek "no, no, stand up.. please.." I pushed her hand off of me and helped her stand up "come on.. let's get you dry off before you get sick.." I said trying to change the subject, wanting to forget what she just did to me.

"Angel.." she called quietly I could hear her breath hitch she took her shoes off, her socks, then her soaked shirt revealing her purple bra my eyes immediately widen at the sight of her taking her clothes off, she was standing there in her undergarments as she was about to take her bra off I immediately stopped her "enough, that is enough!" I raised my voice.

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