CHAPTER 2: intertwined, sewn together.

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AMANDA'S POV: In this world, people believe in soulmates, the red strings and other connections to their person. But to me, when i first met Angela, Angela was sweet and kind funny aswell. On Angela's first day she came to the door with coffee trays on her  everyone was happy and thankful - grateful - for Angela. And yet to me it meant a lot when she hand me a cup of coffee and our fingers brushed against each other but we both didn't speak about it because were just co-workers.

I gave her a warm smile and said "thank you baby" to Angela which I've notice Angela's face turns slightly red before looking away and smile at the others and ever since that day, me and angela grown closer and closer. I was always helpful towards to Angela, and Angela was the type of girl who tried her best to be helpful to me but we both know it was fine.

Our playful banters and everytime we film a video my cheeks hurt after because of smiling and laughing on Angela's joke. We were inseparable, in every videos we've filmed on I'd read comments and see people fighting each other whether we were siblings or married couple which made me chuckle and laugh softly finding the comments funny

But i know i shouldn't be jumping into assumptions as we both knew, or i knew something was happening, a spark was lighten. But we remain blind on it.

One morning, i was in a kitchenette room of our office grabbing a bottle of water form the fridge as i see Tommy pouring coffee on his smosh mug "Hey, morning. You look.... grumpy?" I said tilting my head a bit with an expression of concern plastered on my face. "I have a bad, bad, bad hangover. Let's get this over with." He response with sass.

"Uh- uhm" I stuttered and just continue "I wanna ask a question, uhm what do you think of me and ang?" I said raising an eyebrow. "You and Angela?" Tommy scoffs "oh bitch not at me, nope, I'm really really tired." He says with a hint of sass as he grabs his smosh coffee mug and took few sips of it

"Alright, fine I'll ask someone else..." i trail off, i was thinking of who i could ask that question, Tommy sighs "Alright fine," he clears his throat and looked at me "You and Angela... hmmm.." he thinks for a moment.

"Well?" I let out a huff 

"You and Angela have grown attached to each other, like I've seen you two hug a lot and talk about each other's problems, it's like Meredith and Cristina from Grey's anatomy." He said "you two are way sewn tight to each other, and you both are in love. Very very in love."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow "wha- what do you mean?"

"Oh bitch don't put on a blind eye," he rolls his eyes "you two are in love, very deeply.. the way you two look at each other? The way you two steal glances from each other and laugh at each other's terrible jokes? You two are in love." He smiled "I can tell because I'm a natural gaydar. You two are gay."

"I- Okay..  okay, then..  well thanks." I said in a soft tone before I watch him walk out of the room, i thought about it for a moment.. no it couldn't be. Angela wouldn't feel the same way.

It's been two days and I haven't even confront my husband about his cheating, my friends and family doesn't know it yet, only Olivia and Angela which was good and I've lied to him about going on a trip with smosh but deep down, I didn't want to have an argument, I wasn't ready to meet him yet.

I've been staying over at Angela's place, Olivia seems fine with it, but I couldn't help but remember those past three days of me and Angela just... God. I snapped out of my thoughts and left the kitchenette.

As the time goes by at the office, working and talking, some few members were filming three videos today which was tiring but in a fun way. When the shift was over, everyone was leaving little by little i left the building and head over to the parking lot, as I walk over to my car i see Angela waiting by my car.

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