CHAPTER 6: were up against the wall & she's calling me baby.

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A:N: AnthonyVero wrote this chapter, thank anthony guys for this very detailed chapter!


AMANDA'S POV: I left the party at around 11 o'clock of the night, bidding my friends goodbye and heading towards my car. Regret and guilt weighed heavy on my mind as I didn't spot Angela anywhere in the party. All I wanted was to forget about the entire evening and return home. The walk to my car felt slow and endless, my heart heavy with the unresolved tension between Angela and me.

To my surprise, as I approached my car, I saw Angela standing there, her arms crossed tightly around her. Her gaze bore into me, silently pleading for my attention. I pretended not to notice her, focusing on getting into the driver's seat and leaving the awkwardness behind.Ignoring her presence, I opened the car door and was about to get in.

I wanna come." She spoke, I look at her I look at her confused.

"what?" I replied.

"I wanna..." I could See her swallow her pride, "I wanna come with you." She said finally with courage. I slowly stepped away from the driver's side and walk around the car and stood in front of her, my eyes bore unto her concerned mix with confusion etched on my face, I look into her brown eyes seeing how her arms starts to drop back to her sides.

"You don't want me." I said. "You're right, I don't." She shrugged.

"Then what are you- what are we doing?" I asked.

Her lips slightly parted, wanting to say something, but she couldn't find the words. Her eyes darted away, and she shook her head in confusion. She nervously licked her lower lip and ran her hand through her short brown hair, a nervous habit of hers. "Wha- what do you want us to be?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her breath hitching slightly. My eyes widened at her question, caught off guard by the vulnerability in her voice.

"I don't know what I want, i- I don't understand what I want." I said before leaning against my car, looked up and saw how dark the night sky was, no stars shining and it's all just blank. She stood beside me and look up aswell.

"We're idiots. Dumb brunettes, terrible decisions." She said.

I let out a half chuckle, half scoff and nodded "true on that"

As we stood there in silence, the cool night air enveloping us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was as if the darkness above mirrored the confusion and uncertainty I felt inside. I turned to her, hoping for some kind of reassurance or guidance, but she too seemed lost in her own thoughts. It was in that moment that I realized how much we relied on each other for support and understanding, even if we didn't always know how to express it. And as we stood there, two lost souls in the vast emptiness of the night.

I've noticed her starting to shiver from the cold, so I instinctively opened my right arm out and gestured for her to come closer. She hesitated for a moment before stepping closer to me, allowing me to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in close for warmth.

"We're so fucked up, huh?" I murmured softly, feeling the chill in the air. She responded with a small, knowing smile and glanced downwards. As she wiped her nose with the back of her hand, she let out a heavy sigh and murmured, "I should probably go now." Despite the cold, there was a sense of warmth in the air as we stood there in silence, both lost in our own thoughts.

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