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I wanted to answer some of the questions many of you asked before I begin to upload new chapters but it's very hard to compile 😑 so i didn't upload nor I did a this Q&A.

Recently the chapter I uploaded is like part 2 of the story. The first part ends with Yakone meeting the previous Firelord. I wanted to clarify this point. Number 2, I will try to make it a bit spicy but no promises cause it's very in my opinion awkward to write but fun to read them so let's see. So now let's begin with the Q&A.

Question 1
Why did you have to dirty Katara's character in the process of making Azula and Aang a couple?
So well I never liked the "kataang" couple cause in my opinion and from psychology point of view in many scenes Aang thought of her as a mother figure as he never had a women in his life. His teachers were male and most of the fellow students were male when we see his flashbacks. His feeling of love towards katara weren't in my opinion romantic but the writers did romanticise it and I hated it. Secondly, my story is like what happened after (in a different universe) so I had to show that they understood what they felt and I had to show maturity and realisations of both Aang and katara. I wanted no bad feelings between them but I wanted to show this distance/gap they now have.

Question 2
Why isn't there more characters from Avatar the last Air Bender?
So this story is in a sense redemption of Azula and her love story with Aang. So while I was thinking about how I want the story's plot to be I wanted it to revolve around her. To let her shine for once. To entirely focus on her life, her feelings  and how she feels after being away from her father's control.

Question 3
What's up with it this huge gap between the main story and this story?
Basically I feel romance between "kids" is very in my opinion again is "pedo" behaviour. Then I feel when you are a child of  age 12 which was shown in the original story you don't know what love is. You don't even know what you are doing is correct or not. So how can I show the changes in Azula or how Aang's feeling changes. So that's that.

Question 4
How can Aang like falls for Azula who had hurt her so much and almost once killed her once?
So my friend asked me this question and I know many Kataang shippers would have this same question/thought about the entire story. No one is born bad. It's the upbringing which makes you bad or good. Yes I believe Azula was her whole controlled by her father and she listened to her dad cause she was hungry for love. Love which she never got from her mother. It's obvious that she was like that because she tried to compensate her mother's neglect with power from her bending and from the control she got from her abusive father.  Why does the society in which we live don't believe that a person can change and I believe in my story aang fell for Azula cause she tried to change herself for herself and not for someone else.

Question 5
Azula teaches Aang or like trains him but he is the avatar and he knows fire bending so why the need to train him?
Ummm so I myself find Azula's bending very very beautiful and stronger then the bending they learned from the dragons. Yes dragons are the so called source for fire bending but when Azula teaches Aang how to fire bending she tells him to let the fire flow like oxygen through out the body so she tries to tell him to make his body into a metal and let the fire melt the metal and make it a sword which makes the bending stronger. Also why I showed this is because Aang believes in reward  comes through work and then You bond with someone when you are working with them.

That's the end of Q&A. If you have anymore questions message me. Comment below. 🤓😉

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