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"And you think I wish to be with you? Even if we were to marry, I will not be your husband

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"And you think I wish to be with you? Even if we were to marry, I will not be your husband."

Arabella wondered what he meant by that later that night when the sun had set and dinner is coming upon them. Did he mean if this marriage were to come upon them, he would not be a faithful husband? Or did he mean he will not fufill his duties as a husband. Either way, She supposes she should be grateful he will not do such things.

"Bella, We should get going to dinner." Carla snapped her daughter back to reality, who had been sitting in her windowseal with a book tucked between her hands. She nodded. Another thing she hadn't gotten use to nor would she want to is having dinner with the royal family. It had only been her mom and her for so long; she missed it.

The hallways were slightly more quite than this morning, still greeting maids and servants as they bustled on about their duties. What she did not expect to see was the Debutante Flower of the season treading down the hall. Arabella wondered why the younger woman was here at such hour, with a sour face upon her. She was accompanied by the Lady Viscount who seemed to be whispering in her ear as they approached the other mother / daughter duo. Arabella smiled at her in greeting as she had everyone else but was taken a back as the younger woman scrunched her face in disgust at her and walked past her—making sure to bump her shoulder as she did.


It was a ever low tone of voice but Arabella did not miss it as it rolled off the younger womans tongue so slightly as she passed by. Carla paused to look back at the duo who continued to walk without looking back.

"Quite rude one that is." She scowled in distaste. "That is not a good look for such pretty young lady. Its okay. We should get going." Carla rubbed her daughters back who looked taken aback by the whole interaction, ushering her on so she could not fret it anymore.

"You joined us just in time." Leonard greeted the women as they sat down in their respected seats.  Victor did not look at her as she did not him, both silently deciding to pretend the other did not exist. The walk to the dining room, Arabella could only wonder why this woman who she had yet to ever meet, hated her so. She could only blame the scandal around her name at the hands of the man across from her. "We are to send news of the marriage as soon as tomorrow, and we shall have a ball of celebration soon after."

Catherine fought herself to not laugh in disbelief at the rush of her husband. Since this arrangment took place, their relationship has been in disarray due to their disagreements. Catherine believes this woman does not deserve her son— the girl she picked was suited just fine.


"My Queen, We had not expected for this to happen. This is not what we originally planned for." Lady Viscount smiled nervously. They had planned for their children to marry— Not a commoner. Ada could only scowl at the thought of that vile woman.

"Worry not, This marriage is not set into stone. It will not as long as I can help it. Ada will be the next to throne as we planned." She tapped her fingers on Ada's chin as if to confirm with the younger woman. "Beautiful woman do not frown."

Ada fixed herself. She had such a big admiration for the queen— she married into royality and lived as the queen with her lavish life. Ada was well off as a viscount's child, but she was not royally well off. When the queen and her mother spoke of their plans for her to marry the prince she could not contain the excitment that she—Ada Hevemeyer was to be the next in line for queen. Who would not take the opporunity when it presents itself? That was until this scandal came about. She could not help the anger when speaking of this "marraige". She was suppose to be married to him, she was suppose to be next in line for the throne. Not her. She had nothing Ada had to offer. She did not come close.


Dinner was quiet that night. As food disappeared from their plates and the servants gathered to grab them, everyone dispersed to their respected places for the night. Arabella and Victor made vase eye contact as they both stood up at the same time by meer coincidence— Arabella was the first to break it. She looked away with a vast turn towards the door.

Carla had decided to stay behind to speak with the royals. She was not comfortable just yet speaking casually with them as they are her king and queen— But she attempted so as if this marriage goes through they are to be family. It was scary to think how this had happened. Bella was quite shut off about the topic when she brought it up. She, unlike everyone else, Believed the young pair decided to marry on their own— Not by arrangment. Arabella neglected to tell her, a fear if she does It would make it too true.

"Are you following me?" Arabella stopped in her tracks, turning her head to look at the man behind her. Victor was well dressed tonight as he always has been— White ruffled top tucked neatly within his black slacks, a black vest hugged just well enough over his big frame. His hair was nearly kept and groomed to fit him well. He kept walking until he was just upon her. He had a nasty habit of getting to close to her for her liking— The man seemed to neglect learning personal space she thought.

"Do you wish for me to?" Their eyes met once again, which they seem to do often but never for more than a moment. He was so much taller than her— she could only stare up at him through those wispy eyelashes of hers. A part of him did not mind the way she did so.

"Is that what you expect every woman to want from you?" A scoff rolled off her supple lips. She could tell Victor was a man who expected a woman to want him based off his looks and status. Alot of men his age neglected to realize not every woman looks for that in a man.

"You never learn to not flatter yourself. I am simply headed the same way you are." He bantered back. The only words they seemed to ever exchange is dislike for one another.

"And you fail to never learn I do not desire you."

Victor clenched his jaw, althought his face did not show it— Arabella noticed the tension. Arabella noticed alot about this man before her despite not knowing him at all. He was self centered, entitled, and scandalous. He expected.. No wanted to be desired by all women and hated that she did not.

"You forget yourself to be a commoner-"

"I am a nurse. I am a woman. I am educated. I am more than my finances and you forget to remember that." She spat at him, poking a stern finger in the middle of his chest. "You think to be above me due to your status, and that may be true—But you will never deserve a woman such as myself despite your riches and title."

Arabella huffed in frusturation, turning around to end their banter. Victor could only stare at her retreat away as she stomped on down the hall, making sure to slam her door as he watched. 

Victor realized there was alot he did not know about the woman. Such as she was a nurse. He knew of her to be a working woman— something women of class and status do not do. Their husbands are usually of riches and do not subject their wives to such trival things. It was uncommon for women to seek education as it was not desired to work— instead but to marry rich. He did not understand why this woman of such poor background did not enjoy the thought of marrying a prince. He supposes he should be happy that such things do not plague her but for some aching reason it does not make him happy. He was sure he did not have any interest in this woman and yet the thought of her also not wanting to be with him makes him... upset?

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