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Days had gone by of utter tension

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Days had gone by of utter tension.

Victor was in a sour mood. As the morning went on— It was announced that a Horse Rancing event was in town and the royal family was to attend. Althought the young engaged couple was to ride togethor in the carrage— Arabella insisted on riding with her mother instead which left Victor to ride alone.

When the carrage came to a stop and the sound of bustling crowds became loud, He realized the event was already in action. It seemed Leonard and Catherine had already arrived and sat in their respective red chairs under a red open tent to onlook the race. Subconsciously he also looked for Arabella who had not be with the Royal family in her respected seat next to his in a seperate tent but sitting in the stands wth Carla. Except she was not by herself— Anthony sat to her other side . They were painfully close to one another, their shoulders pressed close togethor as they spoke and laughed. Victor could not help that same feeling he got the first time the seem them togethor.

He tried to ignore that feeling he got as the event went on. He chose to sit in his respected seat next to the empty one where she was suppose to be but the more he did the angerier he got. She laughed to alot of the things the blonde haired man said and he could not keep his eyes off of her. He wanted to know what made her laugh so much— surely it was not that funny. Before he could think about what it was that he was doing he had already made his way to their seat. Carla who innocentely enough did not think anything of it, scooted to allow him to sit between her and Arabella which He happily took. The laugh she had was cut promtly when she noticed Victor sitting next to her.

"Hello Victor. I apologise for keeping her for too long, I'm afraid we lost track of time." Anthony greeted the other man— with an empty apology. He did not mind taking up all of this womans time. He actually wanted it all. He loved speaking with her.

"With all this talking, I would assume the misses is thirsty. Do you mind grabbing her something to drink?" He was seething behind the nice voice he put on. Anthony could tell he wanted him to go and so he excused himself to go grab Arabella a drink without a fight. "Did we not speak of this before?" His eyes peirced into her.

"I thought we did so. What is the problem?" She glared back. She genuinely wanted to know what the problem was now. They have had this conversation and it was sort of agreed upon that they did not owe eachother any loyalty.

"I cannot have my fiance pining over another man." He seethed into her ear, trying to keep their conflicts quiet in a loud crowd of people.

"And it is okay for you to be with other women?" Victor paused. She was right to feel that way. If he was free to be with other women despite the marriage they are to have— She should be able to be courted by other men. The difference was she was not giving her body to other men as Victor seemed free to do so. That part he did not know. For all he knows, Anthony has a chance to deflower her at any moment. "We agreed that-"

"We did not agree to anything. You said we have no loyalty to each other, I did not." They stared at each other, both two conflicting feelings and thoughts. Carla, Unknowingly, enjoyed the races that were taking place. She was quit oblivious to the young couples issues. "We will talk about this when we are home." Was all he said, standing up to leave as Anthony approached.

He chose not to push the matter further but he was burning on the inside as he sat in his respected seat—watching the two who seemed to never stop talking. Apart of him burned to unload a Pistoleer into the mans chest. He did not know why he felt this way but he did not like it. It needed to be settled today as he was not himself anymore.

The ride back to the castle was painfully longer than usual but when they did arrive, the first place he went was to find Arabella who had already made it to her room when he found her.

"We did not agree for you to be with other men." He walked closer to her, the room thick with tension and his eyes dark. The sun was slowly beginning to set— the warm ambient light from the candles filled the almost dark room. He stopped just a few inches shy of her body.

"But it is okay for you to seek other women? I do not understand," She furrowed her brows, looking at his darkend face. "As you have said, You do not desire me as I do not desire you. We are only binded by an arrange marriage and nothing more. What bothers you so-"

She had not asked for this marriage nor did she ask to bind her life with his. It is the hand that was dealt to them. She dislikes him and he dislikes her.

"What bothers me," He stopped myself after cutting her off to calm himself, letting out a deep breath which fanned her nose a bit. His hands which seemed to almost take up her whole face embaraced her. Their faces so close she felt the warm air from his mouth sweep across her face. "What bothers me is you. Your attitude towards me should turn me off, But the more you push me away..I find myself wanted to take you and show you that you are infact my future wife. I dislike you so much and yet all I can think of at night is breeding you." He clenched his teeth. He was so frusturated with this stranger of a woman who came into his life. He hated her for the way his body burned to touch hers, as she did him.

The tension in the room was so overwhelming— their breathing intertwined so strong as their faces became only inches apart. His mind was so fogged with conflicted feelings, as hers was as well, there was no thought as their lips intertwined as well. Heated bodies pressed passionately against another as even more passionate lips danced togethor. He was becoming drunk off of her blossom scent and shared breath. Arabella clinched her eyes closed— allowing him to take over and lead her against the wall, he pressed himself closer to her as their tongues embraced each other in a heated dance. She could feel his hands over her, on her waist and around her neck and she was too fogged on the sinful lust he emmitted amongst her to reject.

Those scandalous hands that slipped under her gown, burned a trail against her soften thighs— she felt them lift her from the ground. She was pressed, no flushed, between the wall and the maddened man who wanted to ravish her. His manhood ached— pressed against her as she tightened her legs around his waist. This was not like her. It was as if she was in a trance, laying her head back as he kissed his way down her untainted neck—sure to leave a mark on unmarked skin.

Knock Knock

Arabella came to her senses— vastly pushing victor away from her to fix herself. She felt that fog that clouded her judgment come back and regret come forth. Victor looked disheveled, the embodiment of sex, something he ached for more than ever.

"Get out." She demanded, pushing him once more to make her point. Victor wanted to argue but chose to comply— opening the door to see Carla on the other side. The older woman almost gasped at the sight of the prince coming from her daughters room.

"Lady Carla." He greeted, walking down the hall without another word.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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