Mine 21

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Jimin laughed and agreed, causing others to roll their eyes in jealousy

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Jimin laughed and agreed, causing others to roll their eyes in jealousy. So Jimin told them to rock paper scissors on their order and he will kiss them all. So they did it quickly.

Hoseok came second after Jungkook, third Yoongi, fourth Namjoon, 5th Taehyung and last was Seokjin hyung. Everyone excitedly gathered around each other with Jimin in the middle. Jimin rolled his eyes and looked at Jungkook who was now nervous. 

Jimin leaned in, Jungkook did the same. Their lips met in a soft kiss, they both gasped as they tasted each other's lips. It was special for both of them. Their lips touched each other. 

The kiss was soft and slow, they barely touched each other's lip before pressing them firmly once nervousness shifted into need. Jungkook grabbed Jimin's waist and pulled him closer as Jimin gasped. 

The gasp gave Jungkook an opportunity to sneak his tongue inside Jimin's month. Jimin froze for a few seconds due to shock before continuing the kissing. They parted for a moment, breathing heavily. 

“ This is the best kiss I've ever had “ Jungkook said. 

“ This is your first one you idiot, “ Taehyung said, causing everyone to laugh. 

Jimin smiled and giggled, looking at Jungkook who just shrugged and leaned in. Jimin smiled again and let Jungkook kiss him again, drowning out protests and cheers from other members. 

This time, the kiss was soft and gentle. Jungkook held his waist and moved lips against his before letting go and stepping back. He didn't want to but others were waiting for their turn. Hoseok stepped to take his place. 

“ Hi hyung, ready for your second kiss ?” Jimin couldn't help but tease him. 

Hoseok groaned at the reminder. Everyone laughed. Everyone knew that Hoseok and Taehyung's first kiss was with each other and on camera. 

Hoseok takes the opportunity and pulls Jimin into a surprise kiss causing him to gasp as tongue made its way inside his mouth, licking him. Jimin takes hold of Hoseok's shoulders as Hoseok grabs his waist to hold him. 

“ Oh wow “ Jimin says when they part for breath, blushing. 

Hoseok blushes and releases him. Members chuckled when they saw their red flushed faces. Yoongi holds out his hand, Jimin takes it and lets Yoongi kiss him. 

Kissing Yoongi hyung is different from kissing Hoseok or Jungkook, yoongi is soft, gentle but in a different way. He softly pecked his lips, tasting and biting lips. They are fully made out without having tongues involved. 

They pull apart, Jimin licking his lips, eyes dazed while Yoongi avoids eye contact. Though Jimin can clearly see blush on his cheeks and smirks. Arm grabs Jimin from the waist and pulls him towards a huge chest. 

Namjoon smiled down at him as Jimin looked up, Namjoon's arm around his waist was the only thing keeping him up as Namjoon leaned and kissed him softly. 

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