Chapter 2 (includes heavy notions of smoking//vaping + underrage drinking)

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(I'm kinda tired of the script after what they say so I'm js gna say their name as who says it and no extra shit like "hey" Amanda says smiling cuz that shits too long for me to write so I'm only gna write it if it's cute / important to the storyline)

~THOUGHTS~ ooo I wanna know what's going on w her and Alan cuz wtf was that comment he made to her there's sumn going on and she needs to update me because he's soo interested and she is too!

"Ooo so what going on w u and Alan..? And don't give the the bs of "oh nothing we r just friends" cuz I know damn well"

"Girl I don't even know myself, but he's soo fine him and Alex like lowkey I'm only going to the party for them deadass they fine asff" -Amanda said again in typical Amanda response.

"I mean are we surprised we all knew u was one horny hoe. Joking luv u but seriously if u wanna see them so bad we gotta leave now cuz it's 9.. the party started at 8"

"Bitch stfu" - Amanda

They both start laughing and get all their stuff to go to the party. Valentina is wearing a short denim ruffled skirt and a black cute halter top. You could see her bra strap and her thong. She smelt amazing and looked sexy asf.Amanda on the other hand is wearing a flared y2k styled denim jeans that showed the thong she's wearing underneath and a buttoned tight crop top that had the first few buttons undone. She smelt amazing and looked sexy asf. They finally made it to the party since they took an Uber.

"Oh shit I forgot to tell u but Alex and Jasmine r linking" - Amanda.


"Omd and you're just telling me this now wtf?? Ugh I actually don't give a fuck they r both as equally annoying to me rn why would I go in to his party now?"

"Trust me it doesn't matter u look good so even if she's there she'll be jealous plus Alex is a bitch but you didn't do anything to him so I don't think he'll be rude to u and if he is you'll pattern him anyways and yk that so why ru bugging out? You look soo leng rn don't waste such a cute outfit just to leave cmon" - Amanda.

"Icl you're right I'm js gna go because wtf will they do"

"Yes period now cmon babe let's go in ik you don't drink like that but atleast try it's the last day of summer break have some fun, losen up a little" - Amanda.

"Maybeee also u look hella cute sooo I'll leave u to Alan as soon as we see him"

They both walk into the big house. Alex has always been rich so it wasn't a surprise his house was big but what they didn't expect was that his house was massive.

~THOUGHTS~ Oh shit his house is hella nice lowkey gotta take some insta pics in here or sumn cuz whattt.

Amanda laughs and leads her to the kitchen. The house was pretty full by now so they both just relaxed and decided to losen up because since there was a lot of people, it lowered the chances of being seen by Jasmine and them arguing or exchanging dirty looks.

45 minutes pass and Alex n Alex spot Valentina and Amanda laughing in the kitchen from afar so they decide to go up and say hi.

"Yo ma" - Alan says to Amanda as he checks her out. Amanda turns around and blushes a bit and responds.

"Oh Hey Alan, Hi Alex" - Amanda.

~THOUGHTS~ ooo she defo into him... I might just leave them two alone bc I gotta hype a girl uppp period.

Alex smirks and so does Valentina. As Alan and Amanda start talking, Valentina slowly walks away and goes upstairs wondering around Alex's house since it was big. She stumbled across a room and she sat on the bed looking around not aware it was Alex's room. As she was looking around his room, Alex walks in and doesn't expect her to be there.

~THOUGHTS~ Oh wait this shits cute yk I wonder what room this is or whose room it is but then again this house is very big I highly doubt there's anything here.

"Oh Hey Valentina right?" - Alex

"Oh hi mb is this ur room"

"Yea it is but it's fine you can stay if you want" - He chuckles and smirks at her cute response.

"So r u and Jasmine together"

"Kinda it's very complicated but why" - Alex says as he closes his door and sits beside her.

"Dunno I'm just curious yk me and her don't get along that well she's a bitch"

"Oh 100% I agree. Yk how many times I've tried to break up w that crazy bitch it's impossible I swear" - Alex.

~THOUGHTS~ Oh shit he doesn't fw her I mean that's lowkey good cuz now it's not awkward plus he seems like a nice guy but I've still gotta keep my guard up cuz yk.

As she laughs Alex smiles at her and thinks to himself she's soo damn cute.

~THOUGHTS~ AHHH HIS BLUSHING AND SMILING IS SOO CUTE but I've got to stay focus he's taken and I'm not a home wrecker.

"Sorry anyways you're actually not as rude as everyone says you are"

"Thanks I think." - Alex smiles.

"Is there anything to do at this party because I barely know anyone here tbh"

"I mean yea you can drink, smoke do anything really outside or we could do that and stay here n get to know each other"  - Alex.

"Oh well I've never smoked or drank like that before and Amanda basically bullies me for it" -

"Oh shit really?? Well we don't have to if u don't want to but if u do we can always take it lightly and see how it goes from there." - Alex.

~THOUGHTS~ idk should I I told myself I'd never do that shit so idk but I don't wanna be a pussy lowkey...

"Hmm okay I will let's js do it".

Alex smirks "Well shit you're not a pussy after all"

~THOUGHTS~ yk maybe he's not that bad + he's cute so ig I'll just see what happens I'll just try not to get overly drunk and high atleast.

"Shut up asshole now cmon let's just get it over with"

Heyy ml's I hope u enjoy this chapter I'm just kinda winging it atp but I swear the storyline is good :). Please comment and give me any ideas u want / have for me to include.

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