teacher x student (part 3)

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(This chapter has smut)


I am sitting  in the lunch room with all the other professors picking at my food with a fork. I am not hungry. I'm terrified. I can't look into anybody's eyes. If they knew what happened yesterday. I can't even imagine what they would say.

Their respected colleague getting spanked by a student in his own lecture room.

A very hot student tho. Emily.

I have to admit I have had a tiny crush on her sense the first time she stept into my lecture room and I really looked at her.

She just had something alluring about her. She looked like she didn't care what people thought of her. Her movements just exuded confidence.

And unfortunately I wasn't hiding my excitement about her very well. Literally every single time we were close ,I tried to act tough like the cool professor everyone knows me to be,but my body betrayed me every single time. I stuttered around her, couldn't remeber things,was getting hard out of nowhere.

My thoughts ran wild. I pictured her pulling my hair and marking me up to be hers. When she spoke to me ,almost teasing me every time she opened her pretty mouth, I wanted to drop on my kneez for her and let her have me. I didn't wanna be tough anymore. Didn't want to be a professor. Just wanted to be hers.

But I couldn't, since I had a stupid job, and stupid morals ,and other students in my class.

But yesterday I let myself go. I never knew I had that part of myself. That wants to give up all control, be punished ,and humiliated ,and then taken care of.

With my other partners I tried to be dominant, because that's what men are suppose to to be. But I just couldn't which ended up in us having awkward, vanilla sex.

But Emily was different. She was a walking ,living, breathing wet dream of mine.
She was all I have secretly always wonted.

Yesterday I couldn't fall asleep. My thoughts played videos behing my eyes. Of her dressed in black. Me on our imeginary bed. Tied down with rope. Just like the one she brought yesterday.

She was riding me. It felt so good. I was begging her, moaning. She said I was being too loud and put two of her fingers in my mouth, choking me.

It was heaven. But those were just thoughts.

Today I had to face her agein. I don't know if she will pretend I don't exist and like nothing ever happend or she will teach me lessons I never knew I needed to learn until now.


I couldn't wait for math today. Wich is something I never thought I would say.
Would you look at that, Mr. Larson is already having a great effect on me. Take that Landon who said this was a horrable idea.

Our lecture room today is packed. Everyone decided they will be smart for a day, I guess.

Mr. Larsen walks in. Moving kind of funny. I wonder if his ass stings at all from yesterday. And if he had any thoughts about me before bed like I did.

He doesn't throw the books on the table like he usually does. Just quietly and slowly sits down.

Sitting in the first row today (for educational purposes) I can see his every little expresson, and movement. He is not looking up into the row of students. Just admiring shapes in his wooden table it looks like. His finger drawing little imagenery hearts on it.

In a low voice he says
"Okey ,take out your book, turn it to page 49 and start solving the problems there"

That's it. It's all he says.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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