open relationship (part 1)

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(Has smut but not a lot, just a bit at the end)

"So what do you want to know first?"

She asks casually and smiles. Unbotherd by the fact that I am sweating more then I have doing any sport before.

"Uhhm I don't...know I guess? I don't even know what to ask, to be honest."

I laugh off my shyness and the fact that I have no clue what I'm doing here.

"That's okay, do you want some water? I have ice."

Why did she ask that?! Did she notice that I'm sweating?! I hope not. That would be horrible. Today is the day she needs to see me as sexy. Not as just some awkward friend that's annoyingly always around.

"Hej, honey it's okay. No need to be this nervous. If you don't feel comfortable with this we won't do anything, no worries."

I look up at her. Man, she is beautiful. Today is the first day I let myself notice but I've always known she was.

Cuz she isn't my Tina. She's Erik's Tina. At least that's what I thought. Until last week. We went to a bar and I was grubling to them about how
'I can't find anybody' and how 'I'm so inexperienced that even if I would they'd leave me'

I was having a pathetic moment okay, I'm aware. But I'm 21 and still single and it just makes me really sad and quite scared for the future to be honest.

Anyway as I was complaining Erik said something I wasn't expecting
'You know, you could borrow Tina to practice. We've never told you this before but we are in an open relationship sooo...if it's something you're comfortable with, you could try?'

And that led me to this moment. In my best friend's apartment they share. On their couch. Getting a drink from their fridge. About to have śex with one of them.

"I'm fine really"

I'm not but she doesn't need to know that.

She sits in front of me on the coffee table and hands me my drink. Crossing her long legs.

"Thanks" I whisper and swallow as she looks at me.

"Remember, nothing happens that you don't want"

"O-okey yeah that seems...good"

She is looking at me amused. Sipping her cold drink from a straw.

"Well if you decide you want to we will talk about some...rules and stuff. And our boundaries. And we will go from there"


"Soooo...any questions for me now?"

"No-no not really"

She signs and carefully puts her hand on my knee.

"Honey, you know we can't do anything if you aren't honest with me. It's one of my rules. You have to be vocal. I need to know what you need so we're safe. Tell me exactly what you want and need to feel okay."

"Yeah okay, i-i'm sorry"

"That's okay"

"So uhh I have one question"
Her smile is back on her face.

"Go ahead"

"Do you and Erik really...don't mind?"

"No, we don't. I promise. We do this only when it feels right. Especially when there are friends involved. But this feels right. I wanna help you very much."

"And your not like...annoyed that you have to do this with me?"

"Not at all. I offered this before Eric even told you. I think you're cute. And I care what your experience is"

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