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The festival


»» Daphne ««
»» Seravina ««
»» Cedric ««

It has been a week. I haven't left the duchy during those days. Nagplano kaming magkita at mag-usap para sa planong gagawin namin.

We will catch the queen in the act on the kingdom's foundation day.

Unfortunately, because of the accident, the attempted assassination of the priestess, the palace was closed. No outsider could get in, including me. 

Of course, me. The main suspect.

Kade only visits from time to time to fill me up the details they've talked about.

So, today, I-

"Lady Seravina?" A knock and a call from Sir Welro interrupted what I'm thinking. Napalingon ako sa direksyon ng pintuan.


The door opened, Sir Welro came in looking displeased. "There's a couple outside . . . looking for you."

I was taken aback. "For me? Who are they?"

Mas lalong nandilim ang ekspresyon niya. "They're wearing cloaks, my lady. I apologize, I couldn't see their faces . . ." He sound disappointed. "But they introduced themselves as D and C?"

My expression lightened. "Oh, I see. Please let them in. Pasabi na mag-aayos lang ako," nakangiting sambit ko.

Sir Welro wasn't reassured by my response. "Are you sure, my lady? Do you know them?"

I smiled at his reaction. He must be very worried after learning what happened during his majesty's birthday.

"Yes, Sir Welro. They are my friends. Don't worry," nakangiting sagot ko.

He was taken aback, surprised. "F-Friends?"

I chuckled. It's really surprising to hear that the villainess and the most hated person in the kingdom has friends.

"Yes, please let them in, hmm?"

He was startled and immediately nodded. "Certainly, my lady," he bowed before leaving.

Hmmm, Daphne and Cedric are here?

I chuckled at the thought of those two arguing whether to come here or not. Maybe they'll invite me to the festival. They were in disguises, so I think I should wear something that won't get attention as well.

With the help of my maids, they helped me pick clothes that won't get too much attention. Inayusan din nila 'ko para hindi ako masyadong makilala. Ayokong may mangyari, lalo na't mainit ang mga mata sa 'kin ng mga tao ngayon.

"You're so pretty Lady Seravina! Hindi natatago ang ganda mo!" One of the maids squeaked as we watched my reflection in the mirror.

They tied my hair in a long braid, a huge hat enough to cover my face when lowered. Plain white clothes with light yellow embroidery. It still obviously looks like high quality, but it's very simple, perfect for the festival.

"Hmm, if I may, your lady?" Napaharap ako sa maid na tumapat sa 'kin. She's holding round glasses, slowly putting them on me. "It's hard not to recognize your beautiful eyes, Lady Seravina." She smiled.

"Though I doubt the glasses would help." She chuckled. "Perfect."

"Please have fun at the festival, our lady!" the maids said in chorus. "If someone's mean to you, let us know! We will find them!" They all nodded.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jul 03 ⏰

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