Chapter 10: A rainy day in

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I woke up to the sound of rain pattering against the windows. The soft, rhythmic noise was comforting, a stark contrast to the sunlit mornings we'd been enjoying. I snuggled deeper into the covers, savoring the warmth and the sound of Aaron's steady breathing beside me.

Aaron stirred and opened his eyes, a sleepy smile spreading across his face as he noticed the rain. "Looks like we'll be spending the day indoors," he said, his voice a low, warm rumble.

"I don't mind," I replied, leaning over to kiss him softly. "I love rainy days."

"Me too," he said, stretching lazily. "Especially when I get to spend them with you."

We stayed in bed for a while longer, talking and enjoying the cozy atmosphere. The rain outside created a serene backdrop to our morning, making everything feel even more intimate and peaceful. Eventually, the lure of breakfast pulled us out of bed.

In the kitchen, we moved around each other with ease, preparing a simple but delicious meal. I made French toast, the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla filling the air, while Aaron brewed a fresh pot of coffee. The sound of the rain, combined with the smell of breakfast, made the whole house feel like a warm, inviting haven.

We sat down at the table, our plates heaped with French toast, fresh berries, and a generous drizzle of maple syrup. Aaron took a bite and sighed contentedly. "This is amazing, Lina. You outdid yourself."

"Thank you," I said, smiling. "I'm glad you like it."

As we ate, we talked about our plans for the day. With the rain coming down steadily, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy some indoor activities. We decided to start with a movie marathon, something we hadn't done in a while.

After breakfast, we cleaned up the kitchen and headed to the living room. We piled blankets and pillows on the couch, creating a cozy nest where we could cuddle up and watch movies. Aaron picked out a selection of our favorite films, ranging from romantic comedies to action-packed adventures.

The first movie we watched was a classic rom-com, one of our favorites. We laughed and quoted lines to each other, the familiarity of the film adding to the comfort of the day. As the rain continued to fall outside, we lost ourselves in the story, feeling the world outside slip away.

Halfway through the second movie, Aaron got up to make popcorn. I watched him as he moved around the kitchen, feeling a deep sense of contentment. There was something incredibly special about sharing these simple, everyday moments with him.

He returned with a big bowl of popcorn, settling back on the couch beside me. "Ready for round two?" he asked, offering me the bowl.

"Absolutely," I said, taking a handful of popcorn and snuggling closer to him.

We continued our movie marathon, the hours passing in a blur of laughter and relaxation. The rain outside seemed to intensify, the occasional rumble of thunder adding to the cozy atmosphere. By the time we finished our third movie, it was lunchtime.

"I have an idea," Aaron said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "How about we make homemade pizza?"

"That sounds perfect," I said, excited at the prospect. "Let's do it."

We headed back to the kitchen and got to work. Aaron made the dough from scratch, expertly kneading it while I prepared the toppings. We chopped vegetables, grated cheese, and set out an array of ingredients, from pepperoni to fresh basil.

As we worked, we talked and laughed, the rain outside providing a soothing soundtrack to our activity. Once the dough was ready, we rolled it out and assembled our pizzas, each one a masterpiece of flavor and creativity.

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