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Welcome to Laurel Haven

Viego stepped onto the campus of Laurel Haven University, his suitcase in hand and a mix of excitement and anxiety churning in his stomach. The sprawling grounds were dotted with ancient oaks and ivy-covered buildings, exuding an air of history and tradition. As he walked towards the dormitories, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

"Hey, you must be Viego, the new transfer student," a cheerful voice called out. Viego turned to see a tall, lanky guy with a wide grin walking towards him. "I'm Czisco. Welcome to Laurel Haven!"

"Hi, Czisco. Yeah, I'm Viego. Nice to meet you," Viego replied, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Come on, I'll show you to the dorms," Czisco said, taking one of Viego's bags. "You're gonna love it here. Well, mostly."

"Mostly?" Viego asked, raising an eyebrow.
Czisco laughed. "You'll see. It's an interesting place, that's for sure."

They walked through the campus, passing groups of students chatting and laughing. The buildings had a timeless quality, with their old brickwork and tall windows. Viego couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and curiosity.

As they reached the dormitory, Czisco opened the door and led Viego inside. The common area was bustling with activity.

Students lounged on couches, playing video games, studying, and chatting.

"Hey everyone, this is Viego," Czisco announced. "He's the new guy."

A group of students looked up and smiled. "Welcome, Viego!" a girl with curly hair called out. "I'm Ellie. This is Calle and France."

"Nice to meet you all," Viego said, feeling a warm welcome from his new peers.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room," Czisco said, leading Viego up the stairs. "It's a bit of a maze, but you'll get used to it."

They reached a room at the end of the hall. Czisco pushed open the door, revealing a cozy space with two beds, a couple of desks, and a window overlooking the campus.

"This is it," Czisco said. "Your new home."
"Thanks, Czisco. I appreciate it," Viego said, setting his bags down.

"No problem. If you need anything, just holler. We're all here to help," Czisco said, giving Viego a pat on the back.

As Viego began unpacking, he noticed a framed photo on his roommate's desk. It was a group picture of smiling students, but something about it felt off. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Later that evening, Viego joined Czisco, Ellie, Calle, and France in the common area. They talked about classes, hobbies, and their favorite spots on campus.

"So, Viego, what brings you to Laurel Haven?" Ellie asked.

"My parents moved for work, and this place had a good reputation," Viego explained. "Plus, I needed a fresh start."

"Well, we're glad you're here," France said with a smile. "Laurel Haven can be pretty special."

"Yeah, it's got its quirks, but you'll get used to it," Calle added.

As the night wore on, Viego felt a growing sense of belonging. His new friends were welcoming, and the campus had a charm that he found intriguing. But there was also an undercurrent of something he couldn't quite identify—an unsettling feeling that lingered in the back of his mind.

As they chatted, the topic of Slide 16 came up. "So, have you heard about Slide 16 yet?" Czisco asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Slide 16?" Viego echoed, curious.

"It's a legend here," Ellie explained. "There's this presentation in one of the classes, and every time it gets to Slide 16, something weird happens."

"Weird how?" Viego asked.

"People say the professor picks someone from the group to sacrifice," France said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "To get a perfect grade."

Viego laughed, thinking it was a joke. "Come on, you can't be serious."

"It's just a story," Calle said with a shrug.

"But who knows? This place is old. It has its secrets."

As they laughed and talked, Viego couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Laurel Haven than met the eye. The friendly faces and warm welcomes were comforting, but the shadows and whispers in the halls hinted at something darker.

That night, as Viego lay in bed, he heard faint whispers just beyond his window. He sat up and peered outside, but the campus was still and quiet. Unease settled over him, and he wondered what secrets Laurel Haven held. With a deep breath, he lay back down, determined to uncover the truth behind the whispers and the mystery of Slide 16.

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