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The Enigmatic Transfer

The next morning, Viego woke to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. The sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. He stretched and got ready for his first day of classes, a mix of excitement and apprehension bubbling in his chest.

In the common area, he found Ellie, Czisco, Calle, and France waiting for him. "Ready for your first day?" Ellie asked, handing him a cup of coffee.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Viego replied with a grin.

As they walked to class, Viego couldn't help but notice the old, ivy-covered buildings and the manicured lawns. The campus was beautiful, but there was an underlying eeriness that he couldn't shake. He pushed the feeling aside, determined to focus on his studies and make a good impression.

Their first class was in a large lecture hall. Students filed in, chatting and finding their seats. Viego took a seat next to Czisco, feeling a bit out of place.

"Don't worry," Czisco said, sensing Viego's unease. "You'll get the hang of it in no time."

The professor, a tall, stern-looking man with sharp features, entered the room and began the lecture. Viego tried to pay attention, but his mind kept wandering to the strange whispers he had heard the night before.

During a break between classes, Viego and his friends gathered in the courtyard. The sun was high in the sky, and the campus buzzed with activity.

"So, Viego, how was your first class?" Calle asked, munching on an apple.

"Not bad," Viego replied. "The professor seems tough, but I think I can handle it."
"Just wait until you get to Slide 16," Czisco said with a chuckle. "That's when things get interesting."

Viego rolled his eyes. "You guys and your stories."

"Hey, it's part of the Laurel Haven experience," Ellie said with a grin. "Every school has its legends, right?"

As the day went on, Viego started to feel more comfortable. He made small talk with other students, navigated the campus with ease, and even managed to answer a few questions in his classes.

But as the afternoon wore on, the whispers returned. Faint and almost imperceptible, they seemed to follow him wherever he went. He tried to ignore them, but they gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.

After their last class, Viego and his friends headed back to the dormitory. The hallways were dimly lit, and the air felt heavy and oppressive. Viego couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him.

"Hey, you okay?" France asked, noticing his distracted look.

"Yeah, just tired," Viego said, forcing a smile. "It's been a long day."

"Well, we've got the rest of the evening to relax," Czisco said. "How about we order some pizza and watch a movie?"

"Sounds good to me," Viego replied, grateful for the distraction.

As they gathered in the common room, the atmosphere lightened. They laughed and joked, the tension of the day melting away. Viego felt a sense of camaraderie with his new friends, a bond that made the unsettling whispers seem less threatening.

Later that night, as Viego lay in bed, the whispers returned. This time, they were louder, more insistent. He sat up and listened, trying to make out the words.

"Help us... find peace... break the curse..."

Viego's heart raced as he realized the whispers were not just random noises. They were pleas for help, desperate and filled with sorrow. He got out of bed and walked to the window, peering out into the darkness.

The campus was still, bathed in moonlight. But in the shadows, he saw fleeting shapes, ghostly figures that seemed to watch him. He shivered and closed the window, feeling a chill run down his spine.

Determined to uncover the truth, Viego resolved to talk to his friends in the morning. He knew he couldn't face whatever was haunting Laurel Haven alone. As he lay back down, he whispered a silent promise to the spirits that had reached out to him.

"I'll help you. I promise.

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