date night

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after me and brendon are done freaking i check the clock and.. it is 9 in the afternoon!! i look deeply into berenfons eyes and i notice... he eyes...... are the size of... the moon! 🌝🌝🌝 my tummy rumbles grgrgrgrgrrgggggbllgggggrrrr and i rub it all around brendon looks at me "is baby hungy ?" he knows me so well "yessss yessss baby hungwy baby hungwy baby want uppies take me to get food daddy baby want food" i say and he uppies me and takes me to the car "yayyyyyyy"

we got to ihop and i get pancakes yummyyyy and he gets bangers and mash. "you know... me mum back home always loved some bangers and mash.." he says sadly and looks at the bangers and mash. "what.... what happened to her?l i ask sensing he is sad (i'm sort of an empath) "she.... she slipped away.... met her maker... you could say she.. heh.... left this mortal coilz...." i par him on the back "there there..... ryan here..." i am curious,..... "if you don't mind me asking.... how did she die?" he is sad "haha... well .... the bangers got the best of her"... i immediately undestNx what he is talking about that's so sad "i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry" i say and i hold his hand and he smiles from me holding his hand i think he likes it "i think... i think i'll feel better if you let me squeeze your buttcheeks while we eat😊" he says okay!!!!!!! of course i will do anything for him "ok here you go 1 serving of this butt" i say and i bend over and before i know it we're both eating our food!!!!!!!! "mmmmmm this is so yummy

ryan ross pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now