i dont know

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i am home now and me and brandon are on the couch watching a movie about pregnancy to prepare us for married life.... wait.. did i say MARRIED??!! that's right i forget to tell you guys but brendon right after we got our do the hospital proposed to mebbbbb!!!!?????????? i'm so happy i could cum.. oh wait!!! i already did!!!! don't worry we had some sweet sweet engagement sex right after, rifjt in the parking lot!!!! with baby inside my pregnant belly. we are now watching movie and i start to feel some kicking????? "brendon... vic fuentes is kicking..." he puts his hands on my tum abs sure enough.... "OUCH!!!!!" he scream!!! baby vicky sure is a hard kicker! should have named him kangaroo am i rifjt? "i love our baby"
"me too"

meanwhile lizzy and max are on their first real life date. they have known eachother for months now but they have only been communicating on fortnite. they are at dave and busters. "max.... i am in love with you" lizzy pov i say and i hood his hand "ditto"

and then we kiss

brendon urie pov:
ryan ross us so sexy even when his belly is inflated like a balloon. i'm being so for real it's like the size of the world trade center!! i ♥️ inflation

ryan ross pov:
wow my belly is so big it's the size of the world trade center i window how little vic fuentes is doing.......

vic fuentes pov:
mamamaka mama milky baby want out baby want to be birthed waaaaa waaaaa kicks licks kick kicks mama belly waaaaaaa waaaaa baby hungry baby want umbilical cord cut waaaaaaaaaaa waaaaa waaaaaa waaaa baby hungry baby hungry mamamaka mama milky baby want out baby want to be birthed waaaaa waaaaa kick waaaaaa baby want milky waaaaaa birth me already mommy mama mama birth me licks kick kicks mama belly waaaaaaa waaaaa baby hungry baby want umbilical cord cut waaaaaaaaaaa waaaaa waaaaaa waaaa baby hungry baby hungry mamamaka mama milky baby want out waaaaaaaa

ryan ross pov
wow he must be doing great in there! so full of love. proud to be a mama💗today me and brendon are going to gamestop i love gamestop i think i will get a vbuck gift card
at game stop: we are at gamestop and we are looking in the clearance section in gamestop and we find a fun looking game in gamestop and we go to the gamestop check out and we purchase the game from gamestop and then we leave gamestop and go home from gamestop
at home: the game we got from gamestop is called sburb it looked super fun so i plugged it into my xbox 360 and we start to play but it takes a really long time to download:( i'll just leave it there.... i'll probably be in labor and giving birth by the time this thing is done!!! eh it's okay i will just leave it alone for a bit im going to go have sex with brendon for a little bit

lizzy max piv: lizzy and max went to gamestop today they drove the laxativesmobile to gamestop
lizzy pov:
me and max went to gamestop and at gamestop you will never guess who i saw... my ex boyfriend ryan ross and the guy left me for, brendon urie! i couldn't help but notice ryan's tummy was a little big.. he must be pregnant.... i remmeber we would always talk about me getting him pregnant one day... i guess.. haha... i guess that won't be happening anymore.. i start to cry but max puts his arm at out bc ke comfortingly and squeezes my butt cheek in a comforting way "that's... that my ex over there... hes.... yes pregnant." i say sadly
"that's okay you can always get me pregnant lizzy i loce you" max says and i smile and we go to the cop are tiny convention


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