Chapter Thirteen

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With everything going on recently Lana decided to simply bury herself in school work and training to take her mind off of everything. She started to really believe that maybe Art was telling the truth about there being nothing going on between him and Tashi as he took her out on more dates and apologized for his initial reaction on the topic.

It was a Friday night and as per usual, Lana was sat at her desk with her earbuds in, blasting Arctic Monkeys and working on an assignment for one of her classes. However, the music suddenly stopped and Lana turned around to see Mila with a sly smirk on her face.

"You've been sulking over your work in that corner all day, you need to relax and go out," pouted Mila as she pulled Lana out of her chair and in front of the closet. 

"I can't Mila, I'm here on an scholarship and that means I actually have to keep my grades up along with tennis," protested Lana but Mila was already pulling clothes off the hangers and throwing them at her.

"Remember how you told me you thought there was something going on between your boyfriend and Tashi? Well, I heard from a little birdie that he might be coming to the party tonight and what better chance to have him fall head over heels for you again when he sees you all dolled up and sexy as fuck," smiled Mila as she held out two different shoe options for Lana to choose from.

Lana sighed and finally gave up trying to resist Mila's attempts at getting her to go out. She quickly changed into the outfit Mila put together for her and put on some light makeup. When she finally looked in the mirror Lana couldn't help but stare in awe at her reflection. 

This is Lana's outfit :)

"Holy shit! You looking fucking amazing Lana! Art is not going to be able to keep his hands off of you," squealed Mila excitedly before handing her a shot glass, "Cheers to an amazing night!"

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"Holy shit! You looking fucking amazing Lana! Art is not going to be able to keep his hands off of you," squealed Mila excitedly before handing her a shot glass, "Cheers to an amazing night!"

The girls clinked glasses and downed the liquid, both making a face at the burning sensation. Boy was it going to be a long night.


The house was already packed when they got there. People were spilling out onto the lawn, red solo cups in hand, and the bass from the music inside made the windows vibrate. Lana and Mila exchanged excited glances and made their way through the crowd, greeting friends as they went. 

"Hey, you made it!" shouted Drew over the music, handing them each a drink.

Lana threw a look at Mila, confused as to why he was talking to them. Mila simply gave Lana an apologetic look and mouthed: Well a party's a party, can't really pick and choose who invites me though.

Lana grimaced and took a sip of the drink Drew had handed them, immediately regretting it.

 "What is this?" coughed Lana as she tried not to puke instantly. 

"Jungle juice," Drew said with a grin. "Don't ask what's in it."

Before she could turn to grab Mila and get away from Drew, a tall brunette she recognized from one of her classes came up to them and asked Mila if she wanted to dance. Mila looked at Lana, torn as to what to do but Lana gave her a weak smile, encouraging her to go with him. She remembered Mila raving about how cute this guy was a couple of days ago and wasn't going to let her pass off such a good opportunity, even if it meant she'd be stuck to deal with Drew all alone. You'd think he'd take a hint from their last interaction and leave her alone but this guy was too stuck up to give in that easily. 

"So, how are you and that loser Art? Still together?" shouted Drew over the pounding music.

"Yeah actually, he's coming to meet my family over the Christmas break," replied Lana before she took another sip of the disgusting drink in her hand, trying to focus on anything but the douche in front of her.

As Lana finished her sentence, she noticed Art weaving through the crowd towards her. His presence brought an immediate wave of relief, his familiar smile cutting through the chaos of the party. He reached Lana just as Drew opened his mouth to retort, and Lana seized the opportunity to grab Art's hand.

"Hey, there you are, I was wondering when you'd arrive" Lana said, leaning in close to be heard over the music.

"Hey yourself," Art replied, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Mind if I steal her for a sec?" he asked, shooting a pointed look at Drew.

Drew scoffed but waved them off, clearly uninterested in prolonging the conversation. Lana grinned at Art and let him lead her onto the crowded dance floor. The beat throbbed around them, bodies moving in sync with the music as they found a small pocket of space.

They danced, their bodies swaying together in rhythm, Lana feeling the warmth of Art's hands on her waist. The energy between them was electric, charged with the excitement of the night and the closeness of their bodies. As they moved, Lana could feel the tension and stress of the evening melting away.

Art leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered, "You look incredible tonight."

Lana smiled and pressed closer to him, the heat between them growing with each passing moment. Their movements became more sensual, more intimate, as if they were the only two people in the crowded room. The music seemed to fade into the background as Lana lost herself in the sensation of being close to Art. Lana could feel Art's heartbeat against her chest, matching the rhythm of her own. His hands trailed along her back, sending shivers down her spine.

The world outside seemed to disappear as Lana and Art lost themselves in each other. Their lips met in a hungry kiss, fueled by the desire that had been building between them. The kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, as if they couldn't get enough of each other. Lana forgot about the party, about Drew, about everything except the heat of Art's body against hers.

The rest of the night passed by in a blur and Lana woke up the next morning in her bed with Art lying next to her, a deep blush tinting her cheeks.

"Well look who's awake," smirked Art in a raspy morning voice as he looked over at Lana.

Lana simply cuddled closer to him, resting her head on his bare chest as his fingers brushed through her hair.

"Last night was fucking amazing and just when I thought it couldn't get any better you wake up looking a goddess," mumbled Art as he pressed a soft kiss into her forehead. 

Lana smiled up at him and blushed hard before kissing him. Luckily Mila went home with the guy she met last night...

Here's a new chapter sorry it took a while I forgot I had summer school and there's so much work everyday. I'm going away for a week so this is going to be the last update for a while :)

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