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She would much rather spend a weekend reading a book than watching twenty millionaires drive ridiculously fast cars on weirdly shaped tracks.

She would much rather spend a weekend reading a book than watching twenty millionaires drive ridiculously fast cars on weirdly shaped tracks

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Vica didn't know why she agreed to it, but it was too late to take it back. On the very day Jess came to see her at school, they went together to the American embassy to get their visas. Fortunately, both were granted visas in the record time of two days—Vica suspected Jess had something to do with it, considering she was going for work, which might have helped expedite the process.

On Thursday morning, Vica found herself seated in first class on a plane with her best friend beside her. It was her first time flying first class, and she struggled to enjoy it because she knew she hadn't paid for it. Jess was covering all the expenses—or maybe her agency was, Vica wasn't sure, and she refused to ask to avoid potentially angering her friend. Jess slept through the entire flight, but Vica couldn't close her eyes. She had a folder full of study materials for her final exam, needing to learn everything because she didn't want to repeat her final year. Her master's degree was almost within reach, and she was determined to get it.

Friday was reserved for acclimating to the time zone change and exploring the city a bit. Miami was large and one day was certainly not enough, but Jess had specific places she needed to visit, so Vica simply followed along, doing everything her friend asked. She became her personal photographer, her praise-giver when Jess tried on clothes in stores (the only response expected was that Jess looked great and should definitely buy it), and finally, her personal carrier of all the shopping bags Jess acquired.

Their friendship had always been this way since they met. Vica was always the second, and Jess was the main one. Jess led their duo, and the blonde just had to do what she was told. Vica didn't mind because she was never good at doing things until someone told her what to do—fortunately, university life had improved this a bit, and she could now make decisions for herself and start doing things without needing orders. However, in their friendship, nothing had changed.

Vica had grown used to it. Even as a child, she carried her friend's bags and was her personal praise-giver for all things. She learned to accept it and preferred not to speak up because she knew that if she did, her best friend would get mad at her, and she couldn't afford to lose her only friend. Over the years, she hadn't managed to make any other lasting connections. She had two relationships, both ending in disaster within a few months. She made friends, but it always turned out they were only interested in getting close to Jess.

Vica had to quickly get used to the fact that as long as she was around Jess, she would always be the second option. She would never be the first. No one would turn their head to look at her first. People would always notice Jess first and only then Vica, but by then, they were already enchanted by Jess, so they would just glance at the blonde and continue to ignore her.

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