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"She's perfect, Lando."


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The brunet was scrolling through Instagram when a photo of a certain blonde girl in a sleeveless black top suddenly popped up on his screen. Normally, he would just scroll past and ignore the profile, as it was another one of those "suggested" posts Instagram offers based on what you usually like. But this time, he stopped. The girl immediately caught his attention. He recognized the account; it was one where someone just posted pictures of F1 drivers or celebrities associated with F1, writing about trivial and uninteresting things about them.

The caption referred to her as an unknown girl. Nobody knew who she was. However, he recognized the name Jessica Shelton. She was a model and ambassador for Tommy Hilfiger. He had seen her at events a few times but had never been interested enough to go up to her and introduce himself. Jessica was just another girl who comes into your life and leaves again. The posts talked about her as the friend of this mysterious blonde.

She was truly beautiful. George couldn't take his eyes off her. If it weren't for this particular account, he might have even liked the photo, wanting the girl to know that even George Russell was captivated by her beauty. But he couldn't do that, because then everyone would start asking questions, and the poor girl would have thousands of his fans on her back. He couldn't do that to her. She probably didn't want to be the center of attention, given that she was referred to as an unknown. She probably wasn't famous if nobody knew who she was. All that was known about her was that she was friends with the model Jessica Shelton.

George wanted to turn off his phone and get back to talking to Lando, who had dragged him to this event among all these celebrities. But the blonde on his screen seemed to be speaking to him, as if she didn't want him to turn off the screen and focus on something else. George didn't want to either. The girl on his screen was truly stunning. He had never seen a prettier girl, and he was beginning to think he was going crazy.

Suddenly, he had the wild idea of becoming an FBI agent and tracking her down. He definitely wasn't ready to accept that this was the first and last time he'd see her. He definitely wanted to talk to her, especially knowing she was somewhere in the paddock where he was too. There were tens of thousands of people here, but he couldn't just miss her. She was here with her friend, who was a model and probably invited by some brand, which meant she had VIP access too. That made things a little easier, but it still meant he had to look through thousands of people to find her.

He had never been so determined. He had never been so determined to find one person. No girl had ever captivated him as much as this mysterious blonde in a sleeveless black top with striking red lips.

"George, are you manifesting?" Lando snapped him out of his trance. The brunet didn't know how long he had been staring at the girl's photo, but it must have been a while because Lando was now sitting next to him with his Monster can, sipping slowly. George didn't remember the boy next to him having it the whole time, but he also didn't remember him getting up and leaving him alone.

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