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"Because they both die in the end, and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon."


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"Do we have to go? Can't we just stay in bed and watch some movies?" Vica asked as she walked down a Monaco street towards the harbor with George by her side.

She was wearing a dark blue bikini with a white dress with turquoise polka dots over it—she had bought it in London a week ago and couldn't leave it behind when she saw it in the store. She had to support George somehow, and what better way than with a color that evoked Mercedes? She had to balance it out since her swimsuit evoked Red Bull.

Her hair was styled in a bun, though it looked hastily done as strands of hair were sticking out. Vica really tried to make her hair look good, but it just wasn't working—she still needed to learn how to style her hair properly.

"I'd love to stay in bed, watch a movie, and hold you in my arms, but we need to socialize," George chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "So smile, lift your chin, and survive today, because you're my plus one, and I wouldn't survive without you."

"You don't want to go, I don't want to go, so let's not go," Vica suggested with a smile. "Let's go back to your place and watch Jurassic Park 2."

The previous evening, they had watched the first Jurassic Park because they both wanted to watch a dinosaur movie, so they didn't have to think twice about what to play on the TV. Vica might have fallen asleep on George's shoulder halfway through the movie, but the brunette didn't mind, as he just held her closer and enjoyed her presence. He really enjoyed that evening and realized that he could imagine his days being just like that.

"You know I'd do that in a heartbeat, but we really should be among people, Vica," the brunette chuckled but kept his arm around her shoulder.

"You and your socializing," the girl playfully rolled her eyes. "You know I'm an introvert who doesn't want to socialize with people, so why are you forcing me to go on a yacht where there will be people?"

"Because the yacht belongs to Charles, and Alexandra requested you," George replied. "She said I wasn't invited unless I brought you. She said I shouldn't even think about showing up without you."

"Well, I guess I'm just your better half," she smiled and nudged him with her hip. She didn't even realize what she had said at that moment—George didn't comment on it, so she moved on without thinking much about it.

However, George did notice her words. He had to avert his gaze because he didn't want the girl beside him to see him blushing. She called herself his better half. They had never kissed, never talked about their relationship, never discussed the feelings they had for each other, and yet Vica called herself his better half. He tried not to give those words too much weight because without asking her to be his girlfriend, he didn't want to consider her one.

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