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"We definitely don't need to break noses and give black eyes."


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"I'm the one who lost the bet, so why did you agree to go diving?" George asked the blonde sitting next to him. They were currently on a boat with four other people in the waters of Monaco. It was Tuesday, meaning the pair had been in Monaco for one day, counting the day they arrived, which was around five in the evening because Alex made a wrong turn, extending the trip by another hour.

Lily and Vica didn't mind the delay as they sat in the back, chatting about everything and anything or napping. For Alex and George, it was tougher-they decided to drive, even though Vica had a driver's license and offered to take the wheel. They were still tired from the previous day but didn't want to let the girls drive. They let them tire themselves out while they took a nap.

Vica was even staying at George's place, which luckily had a guest room, so she didn't have to share a room with him. Seeing him so often was enough; she didn't need to see how he looked while sleeping-she was sure he must be unbearably cute. She felt that his cuteness and attractiveness while sleeping would be too much to handle, and she'd have to contact Alex to explain the strange feeling she always had around him.

"I've never gone diving," Vica shrugged. "As long as I have the opportunity, I'd be foolish not to take it," she smiled.

"I just want to say that even if I had won the bet, I wanted to ask if I could read your book," George said.

"Everything is already prepared for you," she stuck out her tongue at him. "I'll give you the book, and within a week, I want at least two A4 pages about how the book is and what impression it made on you."

"I'm looking forward to it," George smiled. "When you told me what it was about, it sounded like a very interesting and well-crafted story."

"The book has over 550 pages," Vica said seriously. George almost choked on his breath. He expected a longer book but certainly not this long. Given it was her first book, he expected something around 400 pages, certainly not over 500.

"Then I better get to work."

"If you can't finish it in time, I'll give you an extension," Vica smiled. "I'm not heartless."

She knew that for people who don't normally read, it's hard to get through so many pages quickly. She could read 500 pages in two days, maybe even one if she dedicated the whole day to it, but she didn't have that luxury. She had work and other responsibilities besides reading. She understood George might not be able to keep up, so she was already prepared to extend the time for him. There was no rush. Her beta readers were already reviewing the book, correcting errors, and providing feedback on each chapter, so she was continuously revising and fine-tuning it. George was just another beta reader to give his opinion on the book.

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