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Jess was annoyed at how smart her friend was.

Jess was annoyed at how smart her friend was

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Jessica Shelton was not pleased when she saw her friend talking to one of the Formula One drivers. She was the one who had been invited here, and she was the one ready to make friends with one of them, maybe even more. It didn't sit well with her when she left Vica to chat with her modeling friends for a while and suddenly saw her blonde friend talking to George Russell, even blushing. The last straw was when he draped his jacket over her shoulders because Vica kept touching her arms—Jessica knew the girl wasn't cold, just uncomfortable showing so much skin. Jessica had given her that outfit specifically to break her of this habit. She wanted to show off her friend, but she couldn't if Vica kept wearing her sweaters and knee-length skirts.

She had to put a stop to their interaction, so she ran over, saying she needed Vica for a photo. This got her away from the brunette. She just hoped they hadn't exchanged names, phone numbers, or social media. She hoped Vica would remain invisible to George Russell.

Jessica was the model in their duo. She should have a Formula One driver at her feet, not her friend who wouldn't have attracted someone like George Russell without wearing Jessica's clothes. She was determined. On Sunday, she wouldn't lend her clothes to Vica, so she'd go back to being the shy girl who dressed like a nun. If Vica didn't mind not getting attention from guys because she dressed like an old maid, then Jessica would let her be. Who was she to meddle in her friend's life?

Jessica liked her best friend because no one else was as easily persuaded to go along with her often silly ideas. All she had to do was approach Vica, tell her about her plan, and after a couple of pleas, the blonde always agreed. A few days before her final exams, she still flew to America with Jess just so the Asian girl could attend the Grand Prix.

Jess wasn't interested in the Grand Prix. She wasn't into Formula One. She only knew the drivers because some were very attractive, and she wanted to know their names. She followed a few on Instagram but didn't like their posts to avoid any unwanted interest or rumors. She didn't need any fan speculation about something that wasn't true.

She accepted the invitation to the Miami Grand Prix just to be close to these attractive drivers and maybe catch their attention with her beauty. She knew she was beautiful because everyone told her so. She always got what she wanted. Whenever she set her sights on a guy, she got him within a week. It worked. Sometimes she even stole someone from Vica, but she couldn't help it—her beauty always drew attention. Her friend dressed like a nun, so she never got attention and made people want to look away.

On Saturday, she was ready to catch a Formula One driver. She'd cast her line and wait to see who took the bait. But she met her modeling friends and stayed with them in the VIP lounge, completely forgetting what she had come to do. She forgot her initial plan. Instead, Vica, who had no plan, just showed up after being in the bathroom when her best friend disappeared from sight.

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