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"What does she think she's doing, coming here in that ugly blue sweater, which she combined with that gray skirt, and she'll come here and tell us how smart she is, that she even studies at Oxford?"

"What does she think she's doing, coming here in that ugly blue sweater, which she combined with that gray skirt, and she'll come here and tell us how smart she is, that she even studies at Oxford?"

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That's how Vica had been living for the past few years, because her best friend invited her to every influencer or simply celebrity party. The girl didn't like big parties, but despite that, she always accepted the invitation and showed up. However, she regretted it as soon as she walked in, because apart from her friend, she didn't know anyone, and her friend ditched her in the first minute they walked in together.

And it happened again now. They walked in together, where they were greeted by the model who was hosting the celebration. Tall and slim, a model who had certainly never seen food like McDonald's in her entire life. She was dressed in golden mini dress, strapless, probably thinking that pulling them down would highlight her breasts, which, however, couldn't stand out when she didn't have any. She was just another typical model who appeared in Vica's life and would probably disappear the next day – maybe even in a few hours.

Jessica, her best friend, disappeared from her sight as soon as they entered the kitchen, where they wanted to find something to drink. Vica wouldn't even be surprised if she didn't go to the kitchen with her, she just made up the story that she should go there.

The girl sighed and filled her cup with cola and added rum. Since she was already at the party, she might as well enjoy it a little. To her surprise, there weren't many people here, maybe thirty at most, which wouldn't be expected from the model. She probably just wanted it as a smaller celebration before having to fly to France for some event – or for something else, Vica didn't really care about modeling and had no idea what was currently happening in their world.

There were more than enough guys here, but one thing was clear to Vica, and that was that they wouldn't even look at her, because she was the only one here who wasn't a model. She was just an ordinary literature student, dreaming of becoming a writer.

She left the kitchen with the cup in her hand and looked around the living room to see if she could spot her friend. Jessica was sitting on the couch with a group of seemingly arrogant models.

Vica was occasionally surprised by the kind of girls Jess managed to talk to, because she was totally cool, and all those modeling girls she met were unbearable. The girl was always glad when she managed to endure fifteen minutes of their nonsense about clothes and makeup. Those girls couldn't engage in intellectual conversation; they only talked about what they had in their heads. Clothes, makeup, and money.

Even though she didn't want to talk to anyone else except Jess, she decided to go to the couch and sit next to the guy who was glued to her best friend – if only that guy knew that Jess had a boyfriend who was currently out of town because he was working for a stock company.

SUPPORTING ROLE // F1 GEORGE RUSSELLWhere stories live. Discover now