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"I'm here to remind you that you are an amazing person and you should never forget that."


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Vica managed it. Despite flying to America and not returning until Tuesday, which she spent entirely sleeping due to jet lag, she managed to learn everything she needed on Wednesday. She aced her exam with flying colors and gave the best presentation of the last three years.

The girl was proud of herself and knew that her parents were looking down on her and were just as proud of their little girl—maybe even more so, because they themselves had never gone to university. Vica was the first in her family to even attempt to get into university, so it warmed her heart that it was her who became the first in her family to graduate from university. She was even prouder that it wasn't just any university, but Oxford. She had graduated from one of the best schools in the world.

She tried to avoid Jess. She didn't need to unwind with her friend. On Wednesday, she needed to focus entirely on the materials in front of her, so there was no time for friends. The Asian girl didn't seem to want to reconnect with Vica anyway; instead, she was somewhere in Scotland, taking photos for some magazine—as if she wasn't thousands of kilometers away. Jess went back to work as if traveling was nothing to her, as if it didn't affect her at all—Vica admired her for that, because she felt like dying, being unable to sleep at night but wanting to sleep during the day. She never handled jet lag well because she had never traveled so far.

Vica had never really traveled much. She had toured England and had also been to Hungary because part of her family lived there, and she had gone to Italy with her parents once when she was very young. Otherwise, she hadn't been anywhere. And suddenly she could say she had been to America, even if she mostly just saw the Formula One track, but still, she had been to America.

However, what she couldn't get out of her mind, no matter what she did, was a certain blue-eyed brunette. Vica didn't want to think about him. She wanted a clear mind, filled only with answers to all the questions she was about to be asked, but instead, her mind was full of the most perfect brunette.

It bothered her a bit that he hadn't contacted her all these days. She had given him her number on the piece of paper she handed him when she said goodbye at the hotel. It wasn't just her number, but also her Instagram, so he could follow her if he wanted—her profile was private, so she would have to accept his request, but she didn't need to think about that. As soon as the notification "@georgerussell63 has requested to follow you" popped up on her screen, her finger would immediately go to the blue button with the white letters spelling 'accept.'

She knew the boy must be very busy. After all, he had another race in two weeks and needed to prepare well. She couldn't expect him to pay attention to her—she wasn't that important, Formula One was more important. Vica had learned to accept the fact that she wasn't important. She wasn't the most important to anyone. She was always the last choice for everyone. One shouldn't get used to that because it's sad and no one deserves to be treated that way, but she had gotten used to it. She had to get used to it, otherwise she would have gone crazy. Before she learned to accept it, she suffered from terrible depression due to loneliness—a psychologist had to teach her not to let it bother her.

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