The Dungeon

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Blake deciding to take a break has set up a small campsite

He gathers wood and launches a small fireball at it and lights a campfire, then cooks a massive boar

He sits down and enjoys the food when he hears a twig snap

Blake: Whose there! If you're not a demon answer me!

Then a mid walked out with his hands up

Kid: please don't hurt me, I'm not a demon

Blake puts his sword down

Blake: What do you want Kid?

Kid: You're Blake, the demon hunter right?

Blake: People know about me?

The kid shakes his head

Kid: Right now, you are just a rumour, but it seems you do exist

Blake: back to my question, what do you want?

Kid: I need you too save my brother

Blake raised an eyebrow: save him from what?

Kid: He went into a dungeon and...he hasn't returned

Blake: and let me guess he's been gone too long

Kid: He's been gone for over a week, he took enough stuff for that amount of time, but any longer and he..won't come back, so I'm a,sing you too save him please!

Blake: alright kid, details what is this dungeon exactly

Kid: I don't know much, but it's been rumoured to be filled with traps and demons

Blake: got it, Alright kid, I'll save your brother on one condition

Kid: anything

Blake: you don't need to give me anything, I just need you too not get your hopes up, I'm just being honest if this dungeon is as dangerous as you say it is then there's a chance your brother is a dead, but if he's not I'll try my hardest to bring him home

Kid: thank you

Blake: Of course, now where is this Dungeon?

The kid tells him where it is

Blake ruffles this kids head

Blake: see you soon

Blake then disappeared in a gust of wind

He found a cave

Blake: well this should be interesting

He walked into the cave and immediately stepped on a tile and heard a click

Blake: huh?

Then arrows appeared from the walls and he had to quickly dodge them

Blake: Ok noted

He kept walking making sure to be on guard

he stepped on a plate and it sank

Then the ground collapsed beneath him showing off a hole of spikes with some skeletons in it

Blake used his wind magic and landed on the other side

Blake: Hmm ok

He continued on his way unfazed by what's happened but still remaining on guard

He then reached another room where about three demons where waiting for him and they all attacked at once

He pulled out his new weapon which he could tell was named playful cloud and with deadly precision he struck every demon in less than a second and they all died

The Demon Hunter, Wiseman's grandchild x Male oc Where stories live. Discover now